ok i got 10 minutes i just wanted to add i think we should use Marine or Navy Ranks... as our own with a few adjustments... i believe we should have a HIGH COUNCIL... meaning trusted members NOT EVER GONNA CHANGE ... meaning for example... cow 2can me lombar tink weeman for example wwith leaders... decide on things... u understand? if not say it i will explain another way i think the clan... should have organization to the point where.... all members have access to 1 bot... that tells them who the members are... meaning a list of members ... list of who is contactable for problems etc etc,.... should have more people ( high council ) for clan members to resolve there problems for them... ive been in a clan b4 that had it it worked out beautifully... i was in it as well... so if you wanna know how it works ill let you know just that.,... theres more so i will post more when i have more time... but please let me know what you think
What I honestly think It's really important that should change is: The members list. On the Website we have like 100000 initiates. I'd say delete em off and start over. All those guys are dead. DEAD I SAY. This will give us a true feeling of the Clan, so we can start recruiting again and actually see the effect the recruitment has. So, delete.
yes... thats true that was my next attack... haha i say we redo members list... see whose ACTURLLY active on and alive... otherwise we have 10000 members and 23 of em are active sounds wierd and bad... we need gamers not pretenders... but please discuss my high council bid i would be intrested to see other peoples views on it
i dont like the idea of marine/navy ranks. Not only is it dull and used in every other clan, but there are alot of ranks and can be intimidating for new members. Less ranks = better IMO, even to the point i think ranks arent needed at all. just have leaders and members.. but that isnt the case right now so.. thats whati think.
council wouldnt be a bad idea i was thinking of it but i havent rlly havent had the time to think of how we would set it up and how we would choose the members of it like if shadow should appoint them or should the members vote on it
ok well since ive never met shadow i couldnt tell you lmao but honestly... this clan has like 6 or 7 trusted members well anyways members i always see online... it should be SIMPLE members who are MATURE... dont judge someone or something by their cover or there history with that person yo give me a day i will come up with a full council probability k
Webmaster The Webmaster creates the website and helps make some decisions with the Commander. Founder This rank is made for the Creators / Leaders of the Clan. They have to be very active and a good leader. There should only be about 2 of these at one time. Commander This is a very important rank. They have to be very active and help the clan alot. There should only be about 3 of these at one time. Co-Commander The Co-Commander helps the Commanders. Promoted by the Commander. General Promoted by the Commander. Lieutenant General Promoted by General or Higher. Major General Promoted by General or Higher. Brigadier General Promoted by Major General or Higher. Colonel Promoted by Brigadier General or Higher. Lieutenant Colonel Promoted by Colonel or Higher. Major Promoted by LT. Colonel or Higher. Captain Promoted by Major or Higher. 1st Lieutenant Promoted by Captain or Higher. 2nd Lieutenant Promoted by 1st Lieutenant or Higher. Cheif Warrant Officer W5 Promoted by Captain or Higher. Cheif Warrant Officer W4 Promoted by 1st Lieutanent or Higher. Warrant Officer W3 Promoted by 2nd Lieutanent or Higher. Warrant Officer W2 Promoted by 2nd Lieutanent or Higher. Warrant Officer W1 Promoted by 2nd Lieutanent or Higher. Sergeant Major 56 Days in Clan 1st Sergeant 49 Days in Clan Master Sergeant 42 Days in Clan Gunnery Sergeant 35 Days in Clan Staff Sergeant 28 Days in Clan Sergeant 21 Days in Clan Corporal 14 Days in Clan Private First Class 7 Days in Clan Private 3 Days in Clan hows that for ranks?
and we need someone to keep track of the days members are in as well ( would be part of the job of high council
ok imma give a quick brief overview on how council works.. for a well working fuction to it... you have to ask who would be intrested in solving issues... voteing on rules bans acceptance of clan.. who want sto devote time to that... then you gather all the names... and you overlook who is in it... and you take the ones that you know would do there job and are active... anyhow how it works... is simple lets say bob is a high member ok and Joe is a new member lets say bob kicks joe for spamming... but joe didnt know its a rule... then he finds out.. but joe replys a smart remark back gets banned or kicked again.. joe makes a complaint to the high council and the high council overlooks it.. and votes on if it was fair or not.. if it wasnt we talk to bob... about his prob with joe... if prob is unresolved to vote on what to do ... either remove a few ranks... etc etc.. thats 1 thing it can do... another i believe with ranks... at a certain point... the members should be voted up 1 more rank.. that shall be done by the council.. get my idea.? if someone hacks... again council deals with it... so no one in clan has 2 etc all the crap falls underneath the views of others.... making our clan seem much more saner and fun to play in... right now we deff need more active members... but yeah... ask questions if u need i gave the quick overview
I dont like this idea. The list is way too long, the early ranks are 4-8 days for promotion apart, which leads to lots of un needed updates and nagging to leaders. Also, this mimics a few clans i've seen in the past almost exactly.. one that comes up is clan dark? they did this but had a log-in system for their site.. which was lame cause inactive members could log in but still be promoted. That aside, webmaster isnt a rank IMO but rather a favor. Right now shadow admins the site so it doesnt matter, but if someone outside took over.. creating a rank for this i think is not needed. You dont give ranks to Tourny organizers so why a webmaster? Also, other then this they sound the same as they are now. Like its been said, keep the ranks now but change some names if need be. If we should appoint a "high council" which i think is a good idea. It gets rid of grey areas and helps the leaders work as a team. But how it is now still pretty much functions like that.. it just isnt in black and white on the site. Me 2can weeman cow weird unseen shadow know this.
This is... interesting? for lack of better wording. There is a clan rule no members of E to be banned without good reason. So "Joe" shouldnt be banned without "highcouncil" or in current case a leaders approval, and with good reason. It also should be reported to the top leader regardless of how Rightious you think the reason was. Every member is treated equaly i say, accept the few "high council" or leaders that admin to the clan in the sense that they have to make delicate decisions, but not that they are exempt from wrong. That aside, its a clan rule any non member can be banned for any reason. So if "Joe" wasnt in the clan its of no concern. (this is with the acception of friends outside the clan, a members friend should have some discretion taken before a ban is instilled, but for the most part it doesnt matter) this is for curtiousy and respect we should all have for eachother. I know i may seem negetive or ant-tagnistic(if thats a word ) but like previous issues we just resolved with cow and his motivation to change. People must understand, altho bnet can get slow or boring and change might be new and exciting.. [E] is effin spable as **** and not much change is needed. Maybe some twinking(rank name change or compiling leaders to a high council) which wouldnt change the current situation, just add some new Umpf. which is good.
well like i was saying would be nice to hear from a leader... cause id be intrested in being in the high council... i have no judgement of people and i have a good head on my shoulders and i know how to run things fair and have great ideas all the time... soo yeah just a thought
well we rlly dont need a council persay but atleast 4 high ranking ppl should talk about changes b4 they happen and not left to one sole person
=o i talk to shadow about change 24.7 ask him i bet hell tell u how annoying i can get sure he doesnt do like 90% of what i suggest but thats why they are suggestions . I sometimes tell carl first if that counts ;D