First of all, I apologize in advance for this incredibly long post, my brother is on the other computer, which means I cannot play SC2 right now, so this is the closest I can get. Basically, these are just a few general strategies I use against Terran, after playing for a couple of weeks. Any tips, critics or advice would be appreciated. Early Game: (first 5 minutes) First of all, I see no point in scouting the enemy this early. I never understand when I see an enemy worker coming in my base 2 minutes into the game. This slows down the enemy economy, and is it wrong to say that within the first 5 minutes I can basically do the same build no matter what the enemy is doing? I just get a few zealots and sentries, and start teching up. If the Terran gets marines, I can counter. If they gat marauders, I can counter. After I get a Gateway, I get a C Core, then a Forge. I immediately research hallucination, before warpgate, and throw down a couple cannons at my already mostly walled up entrance. I use the hallucination Phoenix to scout, usually within the first 5 or 6 minutes, then once I know what the enemy is getting, I adapt my strategy for the mid-game. Mid Game: (5 min -10 min) At this point, I usually have 4 warpgates, a robotics factory and a Twilight council. I have scouted, and know where the Terran is going. To me, this breaks down in a few different ways. • The Marine and Medivac build: I counter this with a ton more zealots (with charge), sentries, and tech up to get colossuses. • The Marauder/ Tank build: I counter with zealots, sentries, and tech up to Immortals. • The Mass Vikings build: I counter with zealots, sentries, and a lot of Immortals. This may seem dumb, because Immortals cant hit air, but the Viking also cant do anything to your base or ground army unless they land. Then you rape them. • The mass Battlecrusers build: This is the hardest one for me. Usually I just get more warpgates, and build a ****load of stalkers. When there are battles in this part of the game, I usually have been able to build the right units to counter, and can do fairly well if I stay on my toes. I build an expansion, guard it, and generally only attack if I am attacked first and it is a counter attack after I demolish their army. I also scout with a few more hallucination Phoenixes to make sure I know whats coming. I also sometimes use a strat that involves getting the dark shrine, flying a warp prism behind the enemy base, and warping in sever dark templars. Sometimes this works, and I am able to cripple their economy, sometimes they use the sweep too fast and get me. Late Game: (10 min- 15 min and beyond) After I counter by building the units I need, I hit enemy expansions, do not let them expand, and generally try to control the map. I try to not give them time to get a huge army, and attack their main once I have a good size force, after scouting some more. I use blink to get my stalkers past their defenses, make sure I am fully upgraded on the ground, and just rush them. I almost never mass air, simply because so many people do it and that makes it lame to me. Anyway, Im not amazing at all, im ranked like 15 in my division in the gold league, so deff not a pro or anything. I win some, I lose some. Tell me what you think I'm doing right and wrong, or just comment with your own strats. Thanks.
Early Game: The early scout is to get passed the Terran wall so you can possibly see if they are going for mech or MMM. I mean I guess it isn't really that necessary lol. I think the main thing is just to get a really good eye on things. Without early scout you open yourself up to proxies and all-ins. I'm pretty sure people are going to stop sending the early scout once things become more refined. As for the hallucination scout I think that's very unnecessary. You can see what Terran is doing just by scouting their ramp with some units. You would be doing much better to invest into a robo and obs instead of a forge, two cannons, and hallucination. Cheaper and way more efficient. You rather get a stargate and void rays or phoenixes than cannon up and get hallucination. Mid-game: Twilight council isn't least I haven't been using it. Against MMM use stalker/colos not zeal/colos. Hellions will destroy your zealots fast and then your colos are open to damage. In general the stalker is the Protoss bread and butter unit. Against marauder/tank (or marauder/marine/tank) you got the right idea...but you want Stalkers too. zeal/sentry/stalker/immortal. And later when they start getting thors you might want to drop the immortal production some and just go for a really intense stalker/zeal/sentry mass because 250mm cannon annihilates immortals. Mass Vikings...I don't ****ing know lol. Mass stalkers with blink I say. What the hell can vikings do to you? Mass just outplay them macro wise. The true counter to BCs is mass void rays. Until then try to hold them off with stalkers. Late Game: Your goal should be to out expand and out macro. Attack at key moments. Suffocate your opponent and mostly play the defense game.
Kay, I'm having trouble beating Terran. If I go for fast stalker, I get rushed and beaten. (Maybe I'm not doing this right?) If I go for zealots, I get reapered and killed. If I tower, I get contained and tanked (How the hell do you beat tanks?) I've tried using HT/Sentries/immortals/chargelots.... and tanks just destroy me. If I go VR, he counters with marines + valks. And it's so easy for the terran to scan/counter VR. So far, I can only start winning once I have a mothership... (if I get one) but that's ridiculous, and even then, with EMP, the invis is useless, and mothership dies fast. Maybe I'll play terran and wait until I start losing to protoss players and figure it out from there? ________ how to roll blunts
To Retribution: In my experience, towering or turtling doesn't work. A good opponent will just make a bigger army, gain control of the map, and then out macro you. One more thing, you make it seem like your opponent always counters you. If they are doing this, it means that they are scouting you and building to counter you. Try killing their scout, or maybe scouting them and building to counter them.
Terran is always countering me... but it's WAY easier for terran to scout/counter than it is for toss. If I get an obs, it dies he scans, it dies. I know that towering doesn't work, sometimes I'll get 1-2 just as a deterrent. ________ buy vaporizer
i find terran the easiest to beat with protoss. I almost allways go 3 zealots and head to his base. while ur zealots are on way to base i have either cyber up or on way up to protect against reapers. carry on building zealots. running them around trying to hold the reapers off. if you have sent 3 zealots to his base and hes sent 3 reapers to ur base u can probably knock his wall down or cause some hassle for him and use ur new zealots to hold back reapers till stalker is up. by this stage im chronoing 3 gateways with 80/20 stalkers/zealots. and possibly sending waves to his base if he looks pushed. i can win 50% of games in the first 6 minutes against terran like this. if they get tanks then tahts a problem. If u see they have gone reapers and then factory during ur scouts. u need to harass his base asap before the tanks come out and very good chance you will win even if they get 1 tank up. if they get more tanks out thats a big problem as uve gone early army and theyve teched and u havnt finished them off = you dead. i hardly ever go forge i prefer to harass with units this also means u can expand while there busy defending and prevent them expanding. if game goes on longer get about 4 void rays patrolling expos and harassing making sure hes not tryin to drop ship stuff out and expand. stalkers also anhililate vikings in every possible scenario.
To retribution your situation sounds like the popular problem of letting the terran scout you often, i have yet to get countered to a 100% when i have scouted myself, i think your build is a bit obvious try the following: - build your buildings where you think the terran won't scan. - keep your army out of sight - get a diverse army, unless you are rushing really fast, so zealots/stalkers/sentries i usually have an observer in their base, and i am often able to keep it in there for a long time lately, my favorite early build, is a 8 zealots 8 sentries push. I stop the MM hit and run tactic by blocking them with forcefields behind them and setting up a guardian shield im a rank 4 in diamond league, so you know these builds work
Yeah, I just saw a few replays of the zeal/sentry push.... I've started using it myself. I just got bumped to 9/plat and and aiming for diamond. Thanks guys. I also found scouting with probe then using probe to harass to slow down the reapers a lot... I'm still figuring out how to deal with tanks.... right now the only option I have is to catch him moving and destroy them before he sieges. ________ Honda CB125 history
Im only in gold league but I've been having some of the same problems. When you go up against the Terran force, if the tanks are in siege mode behind the infantry, you get destroyed. Immortals or no immortals. But I have found that if you see tat they are getting lots of tanks with siege mode, get a starport and some phoenixes. Yes, you can lift up the tanks when they are in siege mode. So when the 2 armies meet, fly the phoenixes behind their army and lift their tanks up. You will dominate them. Also, with scouting, don't waste too many observers if they keep dying. Research hallucination, and use your sentries to hallucinate some phoenixes to scout with, they are super fast, and don't cost any resources. Also, because you can hallucinate units that you don't actually own (unlike in SC1), you can get this pretty early on, and use it effectively.
if he has ghosts when you have immortals, you are obviously taking too long to get them.. thats the only thing you gotta struggle with, is finding a way to snipe the ghosts ive seen gosu players use dark templars, or use phoenixes to lift them up