So here's my deal. Well, first, hi everyone, first post--and while you may think, first post and all, that I am just mindlessly exploiting all of you for blog hits, I say nay! I've needed a SC2 forum to rant about my bad opinions on making games and sharing lore opinions for making bad fanfic, so you will be seeing me frequently, for better or for worse. Anyways, yea, so my project. I've never made a comic, I have minimal practice in drawing, just been starting recently, and my first project is going to be a fanfic comic and/or manga to not be taken in the most serious of contexts. I'm blogging about the creation of the thing in hopes that the ever brilliant, thoughtful and true masses of the internets will come together and make me feel bad about my efforts so I can keep making improvements. The blog is here: I'll update this thread as I update the blog, and of course, respond to all haters and few admirers who share their opinions in hopes of the aforementioned improvement. I'll make a proper introduction of myself in some other thread, glad to be joining the community!
I would have liked to see the comics. Even if they may not have been something I might have liked, humanity can't stand the concept of "lololol u fails at internets cuz it r bez deleteds" or not getting to do something. even if it wasn't that important. We can't shrug off the idea that something may have been taken away from us, instead we become stressed.