My last thread continued..

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by AtlasMeCH, Sep 11, 2010.

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My last thread continued..

  1. AtlasMeCH

    AtlasMeCH Guest

    "A few things before I lock this (and your subsequent threads should there be any) for trolling.
    The pool unlocks the zerglings and the queen (something you missed by saying the pool should give something beyond the ling), the latter of which speeds up larva production (as well as unit movement, and it also heals).


    [...] The spawning pool is comparable to the gateway, or the barrack....

    You only ever get one spawning pool, but terran and toss have many gateways and many racks.

    Who's to say that the spawning pool wasn't suppose to be part of production. I mean you only get one of them...

    Unlocking the queen? That is simply a stupid counter argument.... [...]

    The pool is part of production. It helps you produce not only lings and queens, but also more larvae via the queen. Not passively and not on its own, but does the pool increase larva production indirectly? Of course. Does dealing with others' arguments simply by saying it's stupid? In your world it might, so I suggest you take these discussions up with yourself, preferably not in public.

    As for the underlined bit, trains of thought like that lead me to conclude that you have difficulty thinking coherently. That leads to two things. The first is that we can't understand your posts. However, the second is more severe - it causes you to run around in circles like a deranged hound and when you finally do catch your tail, you start running in circles in the opposite direction. From your perspective I'm guessing this is... entertaining, perhaps? From our perspective, we made the mistake of taking you seriously and entered into your discussions claiming that that tail is not worth catching. Your reply? "But it's there".

    Have a good one. I've always wanted to try one of them strait jackets
    ." - Kuvasz

    AtlasMech's Response:

    Realize that the only two points you made by writing all that were

    -AtlasMech runs around in circles


    -The pool helps with production indirectly, because unlocking a unit or building falls under the category of indirect help.

    Addressing the first comment.... Everyone else is running around in circles as well, that's what happens when you are trying to correct truly complex problems. Don't you get that?

    Protoss don't have to unlock anything to get Chrono Boost, it's just a direct and natural buff.

    The queen, because it is a defensive unit, costs 150 minerals, and 2 control, either makes zerg a more defensive race then they were before, or it hasn't really changed anything since the last game.

    It's not like protoss have to use the forge to cast chrono boost now do they?

    -If the hatchery is the equivalent of the barrack and gate, it should unlock zergling.

    -If the pool is the equivalent of the gateway or barrack, it should have a direct/passive role in production.

    As I've said before, it's only one pool..... one.... zerg do not keep making them.

    If blizzard doesn't acknowledge that, then why would they have to acknowledge the need for the pool to make higher unit then ling?

    Because otherwise you would be saying that the lair is the equivalent of the cybernetics core or the factory. Both of which unlock the next level unit.

    This would mean that the lair should automatically unlock the next unit...

    But NOOOO zerg's tech has to be slowed down by two seperate buildings, the roach warren or the baneling nest.... not to mention that the queen already blocks the lair!

    Because when terran make a factory, which is the next step in tech, it unlocks a new unit. Because when the cybernetics core naturally opens up a new unit.

    The truth becomes obvious... either the pool opens up something on a higher level because it is a climb in the tech tree, or the lair automatically opens up a new unit. Or the pool has a direct and passive role in production.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 11, 2010
  2. Phoenix

    Phoenix New Member

    Feb 7, 2010
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    Why not continue in the last thread?
  3. Stirlitz

    Stirlitz Member

    Aug 20, 2010
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    Edit: Phoenix, the last thread was locked by kuvasz for obvious reasons. Read the last post kuvasz made as a quote at the start of Atlasmech's post above. The quote failed a bit on BBC code but the quote marks are there as needed.

    Just lock this one too, or the stupidity is gonna flow to other threads in the forum and contaminate them all. It works like creep but causes more of a headache. Btw, it's a complete waste of time to reply and counter these kinds of arguments.

    Btw, your last post was followed by another last post claiming the start of a last thread which was followed by a new last thread. At least try to play by the rules you put yourself if you don't want to abide by any others(like common sense etc).
  4. halofourteen

    halofourteen New Member

    Sep 2, 2010
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    In before lock.

    Seeing how you've made no points with the plethora of posts and last posts you've made I'd say you're in no position to criticize.

    That's not at all how most people correct complex problems. Most people are able to find solutions to problems by moving along logically.

    This is incorrect. By allowing for faster production of larvae, the queen actually increases zerg's ability to produce both offensive units and drones which can, in fact, make them more aggressive. Also, because the queen acts as a deterrent to some forms of harass, it can allow zerg to play a more aggressive game because they now have a unit capable of helping defend an otherwise undefended base as well as contribute to offensive production. Just like chrono boost it depends on how you use the new units/abilities that determines whether you are more aggressive or defensive.

    What does this have to do with anything?

    It isn't.

    It isn't.

    Wait... I'm only supposed to make one pool..... one? No wonder I keep losing, I thought 7pool meant make 7 pools.

    What is it you want them to acknowledge? That you only need one pool? That a gateways and barracks are not the same as hatcheries or pools? I think they know all of that. You are the one who doesn't seem to acknowledge the latter and the former is quite obvious to everyone.

    I know this is going to blow your mind but listen for a second. Zerg buildings are DIFFERENT from terran and protoss buildings. They don't necessarily have direct equivalents.

    The queen should come out before you get your lair in most cases. It doesn't hinder the lair evolution because they are built at different stages in the game. As for your cybernetics core example, it's not like the cybernetics core allows you to start producing all your tier 2 units. You still need to produce things like stargates.

    The cybernetics core opens up two units fyi. Does that make it less fair than the factory which only opens up one initially? Zerg's production is dramatically different than terran and protoss production which allows for the way their tech is structured. Two hatcheries plus two queens can equal the production of multiple barracks and multiple factories or multiple gateways and multiple stargates all at the same time.

    It obviously doesn't because you're still making these ridiculous posts.

    It opens up lings, queens, the roach warren, the baneling nest, spine crawlers, and the lair. Wow 2 units and 4 buildings. The cybernetics core opens up 2 units and 3 buildings. Hmmm that's less than the pool and the pool comes down sooner than the core.

    The lair allows production of overseers.

    The pool has a passive role in production in that it allows for the production of queens which are vital to zerg production. If you absolutely must compare it to something then it is similar to the barracks which opens up the orbital command upgrade which is vital to terran macro.
  5. Aurora

    Aurora The Defiant

    Sep 12, 2007
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    He's trolling. Why do you guys even bother with a reply?

    Don't feed. :p
  6. Stirlitz

    Stirlitz Member

    Aug 20, 2010
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    I'm seriously laughing my arse off at this, lol! :D

    On a sidenote:
    AtlasMeCh the philosoplical wave that you've been following(as pops up from your posts and some of the links you have provided) is called "Metaphysical Idealism" in philosofical terminology and is a wave that was proved invalid to the point of stupidity more than 100 years ago. Before the evolution of science as it was ok to believe such stuff about the world as a whole as people didn't know about experimenting(most people at least, there were progressive minds in all times, else we'd still be living in the stone age).

    Don't stop posting, your views are indeed annoying to most(myself included) because they present a contrasting filosophical view to the point that everyone with common sense(yours is apparently uncommon, as the majority of opinions are contradicting yours, taking sample not only from these forums but from RL people I know about) will strongly disagree with them.

    It's not the "solutions to the zerg problem" you offer we've got a problem with but the general filosophy(or way of thinking in any way) that you've been following.

    As it has been proven that this type of thinking has never helped humanity advance and has been invalid ever since it first appeared thousands of years ago, I would urge you to quit reading the crap you find everywhere around the web by googling stuff(like thematics, colours, numerology or whatever else you might find that Genious A or Luminary of Thematics B, or Authority of Science C says just because they said it. A prof I had that's done some serious research and is one of the most respected scientists I know of said that you should not trust anyone's word on something just because he's more of an expert in that area than you. Always search it for yourself until you find proof that satisfies you).

    What I want to say is that you're hurting yourself with the stuff you've been reading and while it might look to you as enlightenment or whatever(everyone's first few in-depth reads on filosophy seem like that) you have to start changing your way of thought for your own good. Or you're gonna meet opposition like this on the forums lots of times in your life, and having your friends or other people you know irl secretly call you a weirdo/dumbass/whatever is much worse than having a bad rep on forums.

    If you think you're a genious(you might as well have incredible brain power, despite the fact that you might be using only part of it and to support extremely stupid points, and people on forums calling you names won't change that if it's true) devote yourself to science and do research and waste no more time with the most retarded and failed filosophical wave in history.

    Just my 2 cents before this gets locked. I hope you put some thought into this and don't go defensive and start trying to counter what I said as an invalid argument. It's just a point of view which I think will actually help you.

    Edit: That doesn't change my view of your posts or anything. It's just tiresome for everyone (You, me, the other guys who post here, the others in the forums who actually read this and the possible OCDs lurking around that "HAVE TO" click on each thread to mark it as "read" :p) and it really won't lead to anything good for anyone in here. I've long stopped adding anything constructive to these threads(I initially stareted with the intention to, but when I see the type of thinking you've been following I realised there's no point to waste much thought on actually posting something constructive as we disagree on the basis so no point taking it further).
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2010
  7. Kaaraa

    Kaaraa Space Junkie

    Sep 19, 2007
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    But seriously, can we at least get him a tempban or something?
  8. Mako

    Mako New Member

    Apr 5, 2010
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    Wow I don't even understand what his main point of his wall of text isl. What you don't understand that a spawning pool isn't a rax or gateway? The 3 races are different. No need to rant about it.
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