We were legendary. Whole empires fell and crumbled at our will, whole communities shattered in sheer terror at our fury. We were a group of myths and legends, so incredible that none could believe it to be true. We were the space junk deniziens But as the eons(months) passed, the lands of myth(social board) had changed. No more could we see all, and the land seemed covered in shadow. But no more. I invite YOU! to join this new group, the new space junk denizens. The legendary members of the old group are of course welcome, but so are the new people that empower space junk. Become legendary, today. http://www.starcraft2forum.org/forums/group.php?groupid=58
its not an ingame guild. Its just a social group on the forum for people who often post on this board. I just really like to be dramatic at times.