Solstice is upon us. The stars will freeze. The seas will boil. Sh'yagur nezl'eth nriakkka. Dreus N'kuru daivvas. The skies shall crash And the earth shall be no more Sli'tak 'nkatsu borak. Dreus N'kuru daivvas. Today we stand in the honor. Of the great ancient one. He shall rise today. Dreus N'kuru daivvas. Now my brethren. Gather thy blades. The ritual must start. Blood of the woman, sister and child. Blood of the stars that fell to Earth. Essence of hatred. Essence of fury. We bring this to you, oh great N'kuru. And we bring you to us. May you spread gifts of joy To all the children of the world May you give life And peace on earth. If only for solstice. What?
Well too day the REAL Solstice is December 21st. Does anyone know what my birthday happens to be...? *nudge*