i only have a keyboard for one and a half hour per day, thats why the rest of the time my posts tend to be a little short(cause I use only my mouse), so an apoligie in advance i am so awesome i type with a mouse
I had to do the opposite for a bit. My mouse stopped working so I had to do everything with the keyboard. It's really frustrating especially when you didn't know that Shift+Tab goes back so if you accidentally pass when you want to go you've got to keep pressing Tab until you've gone through everything and gotten back to where you wanted to go in the first place...
Start -> Accessories -> [one of the folers there] -> screen keyboard I don't know what's the folder called in english but keyboard is one of basic windows tools
Rejoice! It sucks to have no keyboard. Why don't you have one all the time? My parents used to my mouse from me sometimes when they were angry, they thought it would make it impossible to use my computer that way. XD Do you have the same problem?