My Diablo 2 Info and Builds

Discussion in 'Blizzard Forum' started by Light, Dec 29, 2007.

My Diablo 2 Info and Builds

Discussion in 'Blizzard Forum' started by Light, Dec 29, 2007.

  1. Light

    Light Guest

    Here are some of my diablo stuff to talk about that will probably help this forums d2'ers

    Well first, my hammerdin. A hammerdin is great choice for a build, arguably the best build in game, at least on the paladin side. The high points for this build is the versatility, balanced strengths and weaknesses, with a decent cost (not really). And the raw killing power.
    Simply enough, you will be hitting 15k damage with each hammer with a full build, and the best part is that this damage (magical) wont be affected by monster resistances and immunities! He will be able to handle anything solo, save chaos tristram, and yet he can survive there decently (I tried).

    The Equipment: This is not a equipment-based char, yet it helps to have it good. Luckily for poor players, there are many options:

    Helmet- Top choice here would be a Harlequin Crest (Shako). Try to get a socket, but instead of Um rune (+15 or so resists) a Ber rune would be preferred (8% damage reduce). A Cham rune (Cannot be frozen) can be very useful as well. Anything better would be a rare (or magic) circlet with 2 paladin skills, 20 fcr, 20 all resist, fhr, life, dex and strength. But that's too godly, and can be avoided, unless you're a perfection freak.
    For poorer and lower-level players, simple choice would be a Peasant crown unique helmet, or low paladin circlet. Tarnhelm is good for starters.

    Armor- End choice is a mage plate Enigma (that's what I have). Teleporting is for this class. Mage plate is usually considered better than Archon Plate (lol @ starcraft reference) for the lower requirements. Earlier levels and poorer players choice would be a definite Skin of the Vipermagi. Yet, if you have Que-Hegans Wisdom, use it.

    Shield- End choice Herald of Zakarum (HoZ, Zaka). Other choices would be a good Spirit runeword, try to make it in a paladin shield with resists.

    Weapon- End choice is Heart of the Oak (Hoto). The mods are too godly to be ignored. Other choices would be once again a Spirit runeword, crystal sword is good enough. You might have Wizardspike, but I always preffered Spirit.

    Belt- End choice is Arachnid Mesh. Its crazy expensive though, so other choices would be some belt with resistances and stats. Immortal King Set belt is a fine choice.

    Gloves- End choice is Magefists unique gloves, they are very cheap, BUT only equip these once you have all the other needed perfect gear. Otherwise use Trang-Oul set Gloves, they are almost the same but they have the 30% cold resistance bonus which is needed more than the mana regeneration bonus of the magefists.

    Boots- Anything really here, Sandstorm, War Traveler are good choices.

    Amulet and Rings- For rings, 2x Stone of Jordan's (SoJs, aka Slippers of Jesus lol) and for amulet a Maras Kaleidoscope are the best choices. Cheaper options are to have a Seraph's Hymn amulet and a Raven Frost and Dwarf Star rings, very nice combo. Even cheaper, some rare rings and amulet with paladin bonuses.

    For charms, remember to have a Paladin Torch and Paladin Combat Grand Charms, plus small all resist and 20 life charms.


    20 to Blessed Hammer (Your main skill and attack)
    20 to Vigor (Synergy)
    20 to Blessed Aim (Synergy)
    20 to Concentration (Your aura)
    Put the others to prequestatives and Holy Shield. Put one point into Redemption, it will be useful.


    Strength- enough to wear your best gear
    Dex- Enough to keep you blocking chances at 75% (Max Block)
    Life- All the rest
    Mana- Nothing, you wont need any points here

    This is the build I use, and I love it.

    NOW I present to you my experimental paladin auradin build. I made this because I was bored with my hammerdin. I haven't made this build yet, its only a (good) Theory.

    Gear- Now being the perfect choice, this is also THE ONLY choice for this build, because its the gear which make this char. Its really expensive, you might want to get all the gear first, and THEN mule and start this char. But you wont be disappointed.

    Dream runeword bone visage (Helmet)
    Dream runeword sacred targe ( best shield for max block) (Helmet)
    Crescent moon runeword made in a phase blade (Weapon)
    4 socket archon plate with 3 light rainbow facets and 1 15% IAS jewel (Armor)
    Highlords wrath (amulet)
    Laying of hands (Gloves)
    Sandstorm ( others will do) (boots)
    2x raven frost or some good rare (rings)
    T-gods or Nosferatus coil ( it gives 10 IAS, but I dont know thats needed, so ?) (Belt)
    Light/Life/Resist charms.


    1 point to zeal
    20 points to resist lightning
    enough points in Conviction that with perfect gear it will be level 24
    20 to salvation
    rest into prequests, Redemption, Holy Shield

    Same stats as Hammerdin.

    You will be using Zeal as your main attack, with Conviction as aura.

    The dual Dream you will use will give you a lightning aura, and it adds damage to your weapon. The aura (and damage, everything, okay) will be enchanted by your used skills and all the other items. That means your entire attack will be made of massive elemental damage, even though you have only 1 point into zeal and your weapons base damage is only like 20. Worry not, Conviction and Crescent Moon anti-resist bonuses will allow that damage to hurt ANYTHING even lightning immunes. Also, you will be having the fastest zeal possible with all the gear bonuses, and the aura damage is just the tip of the iceberg. I dare say its the best PvM auradin build, plus I bet its extremely fun to play. It can handle anything solo, save chaos tristram.

  2. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    is it me or does every char have a dark side
    light dark
    paladin barbarian
    druid necromancer
    mage assasin
  3. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    it's just you
  4. Light

    Light Guest

    I concur
  5. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    okay, thanks for all your support
  6. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    the only light/dark chars are paladin and necromancer period.
    Barbarian is not dark and druid is not neccesarily light
    what does assasin have to do with mage?

    on topic: GM_k, your auradin build didn't want to talk to me
  7. Light

    Light Guest

    How didnt it want to talk? I just edited it by the way.
  8. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    yeah I noticed. earlier it said that it'll speak for itself, but it didn't

    btw. "dough" is what you use for baking
  9. Light

    Light Guest

    OOOH thanks

    I think the word im looking for is 'though'
  10. New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    barbs arnt dark.... the protected the world stone....