I think we have been far too lenient with the abhumans in the empire. I propose a massive draft so every single one of them dies useful.
Possibly, we might as well get a use out of those who are damned. Declare me a radical if you must, but know i strive to keep the Imperium alfoat.
Those who employ Chaos to combat Chaos are no better than those who are steeped in the Warp. - Gregor Eisenhorn, Malleus records.
Warp fire must be used to combat warp fire, if you can not see this then you are as blind as a blank in the warp.
"Blessed are they that reap the sinners from the sight of the Emperor. Damned are those that consort with Chaos!" - Inquisitor Silas Hand of Ordo Hereticus
An open mind is like a fotress with it's gates unbarred and unguarded. I say burn Gforce for he's a heretic!
Gforce, in fealty to the God-Emperor, our undying lord, and by the grace of the Golden Throne, in the name of the Ordo Malleus and the Inquisition, I call thee diabolis, and in the testimony of thy crimes, I submit this carta. May imperial justice account in all balance. The Emperor protects.
We are speaking of a world where he thought even the children, venerable Fenix. Removing only him could not be enough to deal with this infection.