This is probably my favorite build because the timing attack is extremely powerful and usually wins the game for me. If by some miracle they survive , I usually expand and go into 8 gate off of 2 base. I currently playing at the platinum level, and have been using this build to work my way up the ladder. 9 Pylon halfway through the development of the 9th probe. I then Chrono Boost out the next 2 probes. 12 Gateway(1). I usually block off my ramp to help ward off early cheese. 13 Pylon. Keep it near the gateway so they cant screw you over by targeting the single pylon powering it beforehand. 13 Assimilator. Put only 2 in it when finished. 15 Cybernetics Core. Chrono to probes to 15. 15 Zealot 20 Gateway(2) 20 Zealot 20 Warp Gate Tech 21 Gateway(3) 22 Pylon 22 Assimilator. 2 Probes when finished. 24 Zealot 28 Warpgate(4th) 28 Zealot 30 Pylon to support your soon warping units. 30 Proxy Pylon near opponents base. Then put probe on Xel Naga. 31 WarpGate Technology should be finished and you should have 4 Warp Gates. Immediately you should have enough minerals and gas to warp in 3 stalkers and a zealot. I push after I warp in my second wave of units. I usually expand after that first attack, but if I see that I cant win the game with the timing attack I warp in more zealots and stalkers instead. I currently run the site you can find plenty more build orders there and alot of starcraft 2 related articles. If you want a replay of this build in use just ask and Ill put one up
Post a replay of the build, i would like to see it in action and see if i can incorporate it in my own warp build. THANKS =)
Yeah sure, Ill upload one as soon as possible. UPDATE: Here's a replay
One thing I think this build is missing is the first attack upgrade. When the four gate build was originally made it was made as a timing attack with that attack upgrade. The reason that the upgrade was so useful was because it allows zealots to double shot lings instead of triple. That being said that attack upgrade won't be as strong against Terran, so I'd suggest modding this one to squeeze in that attack upgrade, and using that against Zerg. One question about this BO. Why four gates? Why are you pushing then? With the attack upgrade it's obvious why, but what advantage do you get from pushing after your second wave of troops, rather than wait on a third? Obviously you should attack sometime, but I feel there should be a reason why. I'm not trying to troll or anything, I just want to know your motivation behind this build so I can undermine it as best as possible when I run into it.
Yeah I usually squeeze in a forge and a upgrade if I see im going against a zerg player. I change a few things here and there depending on how the game is turning out. The build above is just pretty much a good foundation which you can add onto depending on your own situation in game. Personally I push after the second wave of warped in units because I feel that's the amount of units i'll safely need to either finish the game or give me enough time to get my 2nd expansion up. The reason I put down four gates is because by the time the cooldown finishes Ill have just enough to warp in maximum reinforcements or units to help defend my own base. Also I can keep the 4 gates throughout the game and transition smoothly into a counter unit . VampireBob, I can totally understand were your coming from, getting to know a build inside and out is difficult just from reading the build order. If you need anything just ask .
Quick note to the above poster, cut the quote out. Your post is 50 lines of a quote and you asking a two line question. There's no need for that. BTW, it's rule #10. Anyways, back to my post... So you might get more if you see certain units? What could you see to make you sweat if you scout the opponents base? Thank you for understanding, it's very easy for that kind of thing to get misconstrued. I find it hilarious when people do things without knowing why they do them. Like placing your spawning pool behind the mineral line. Its there to stop hellion harass, and if you aren't playing Terrans there are better places to put it!
I find the 4 gate push only viable against zerg as a build order. For terran, it's usually not the case, and for pvp, you have to match the amount of gates or more.
@ChowZilla - I Chrono Boost my warp gate technology aswell. I just like to build up my economy enough beforehand so I can warp in the maximum amount of units. @ Vampire Bob - If I see that a terran is turtled and they already have siege tanks out then I pull back and go for second expansion and build up my D behind my mineral lines. A turtled terran is the only thing that will stop me from making my timing attack. I agree there are alot of newer player's mirroring pro's (which isnt all to bad for them) but having no idea on what they are actually doing. @FFenix - I agree, If you are playing zerg this build will be most effective. It works just aswell on terran if they go for MMM or early banshee's. The only time im worried about a terran player is if I see tanks, but then I usually transition into void rays. With PvP the only thing I worry about is a early 2 gate rush. So I scout extremely early to check it all out and If i see them going 2 gate then Ill throw down a forge and a few cannons.
Good build. I'd be interested to see how mine would hold up against it. I am similar to you up until about 20, but I go robotics before my third gate. It looks like you would hit me as I am getting my first immortal out. You would have 4 warp gates, I would have 3 and robotics. Depending on your stalker/zealot ratio, you could be in trouble. (Too many stalkers and I got you.) If my zealot/stalker/sentry/immortal holds that first wave, I think I'd be okay.
Proxy pylon at his base wouldn't work cause most maps have boulders blocking the ramps and it takes too many zealots too much time to break through.
@ ZergFerguson - We should play eachother using our builds . My Id is 111, same name. Hit me up mate. @ Serevok - If you are talking about putting a proxy pylon in his base then you misunderstood what I meant. I would never put a pylon there because, simply, it would get destroyed. Im talking about putting a pylon at the nearest Xel'naga watchtower to give you vision and lower the walking distance.
4 probes mining out of 2 assimilators, 2 each, mine faster than 3 and 1. With three, the third steps on the toes of the other two a little bit, so if you only need 4 probes on gas, go 2 and 2.
Same thing happens with minerals. That's why the pro's split their workers and rally new ones specifically to minerals that aren't being mined. If you just leave your rally in the middle of the minerals some workers will double up on a patch before all are filled. It's less efficient.