Ok here it is..If you play against another Zerg..ZvsZ..And if he gets mutas before you get any anti air, then ofcourse you build anti-air towers but what then? Hydras is just stupid, but combined with infestors its awesome. What is your ZvsZ strategy if your opponent gets mutas and just starting harass with them, in my opinion it is that if you face another Zerg and he JUST goes for mutas to finish the game early then that "player" should stop playing sc2, sc2 is not about finishing games, its about knowledge, mapcontrol, unitcontrol, basecontrol its a mindgame but oh well i´m just like idra i hate cheese.
I like how you went from Mutalisk ZvZ to what Starcraft 2 is about. When I play against Mutalisks, I usually get Hydras. This tends to fail because the other player then pwns me with an assortment of ground units. If I sat down and thought about it, I would probably just counter with more Mutalisks. As for what Starcraft 2 is about, that's an opinion. It is my opinion that any and all games are about two things: Enjoyment and Winning. The goal of any competitive game is to win, but it's not worth it if you don't enjoy it. If you have fun rushing mutas and ending games as fast as possible, then that's your deal. Not mine.
Eat-me-returns...Well it isn´t really an opinion. It is a cheesy move. A move which is cheesy is like this..Win a game without using any skills = cheese...I will give you an example..6 pool..attack then with ur 6 drone and 6 lings, block the damage with the drones so the lings wont die, where is the skill in that? Its just lame...And about the mutas, if you got 1 exp and ur opponent got 1 exp and if he has mutas he will just harass your exp then you dont have any, and you want to counter mutas with mutas? Well then he can build more then you and then you lose. Thats why i never go mutas if my opponent goes mutas. A piece of advice is hydras and infestors..You can stick them in the air with the infestors which deal much damage to mutas and then they will die of the hydras without a chance to survive..And yeah if u go hydras they will ofc make ground units to kill them, but thats when your infestors comes in...Speedlings counter hydras so thats probably the first thing he goes for, speedlings dies of infestors ability to hold them in the ground. And then he will go for roaches to kill your hydras.. When he is building roaches thats when you start building mutas as a suprise. Just get more mutas then he got and you will win.
Ranting and raving goes in Space Junk. Don't make me tell you again. Anyways. If there's a counter, by definition, they're employing a strategy. Strategies take skill to execute. Stop yer boobin. People play that way. Always have and always will.
Whether or not it is an opinion is also an opinion. I dunno, I'm pretty bad at microing. I think it's skillful to be able to tank damage with your drones and micro your lings around to be dealing damage. Then why not harass his expansion too? Also, if he can build more than you, what's stopping you from building more than him? So in the long run, you end with mutas anyway...
Actually that was just a option of what u can do, i never go mutas in the end if i can win without them. I usually go roach/hydra/infestors...You dont need more then 6 infestors, pretty hard to beat a army like that...The one thing i love with them is, if it is a ZvsP then you can stop the colussus from moving with the infestor and just knock the bastard colussus down which are a pain in the *** or mindcontrolling them
i allmost never use infestors but i find it pretty usefull in ZvZ cause if your opponent goes for roach-muta then you can just fungal growth the enemy units to keep them out of range from your hydras and fungal growth also works on speedlings ^^
Robin Johnson, you haven't watched GSL ever, I presume? Koreans cheese like 90% of the time. And yes, it leads to games that are bad to watch sine they end up in a matter of minutes, but that's how they play because they care about winning. Performing a cheese strategy well, takes a lot of skill as does defending against such a strategy. Your definition of cheese is not in accord with what is accepted by the starcraft community. Taken from the Liquipedia It makes me wonder how you reached platinum without learning that cheese is both countered and when countered leads to a swift victory for the defender with pretty much mathematical precision. As for mutalisks in ZvZ, I don't play Z at all, and suck badly at them, but I imagine that making a few more queens than needed is the way to go, and since you have more queens than needed for larva inject, you get to use that extra energy for better creep spread which paves the way for an effective hydralisk play since they rely on creep for speed. Infestors will lose their air-targeting ability for FG so try to get used not using them any more. And seriously, trying to expand when you scout 1basing enemies is a very bad idea. It's not "skillless cheese" that loses you games, it's bad decision making. it's always about decisions... As for the 6pool including workers in the push: Seriously if you get a good positioning on your ramp with your own workers, you can really beat that push very comfortably. It doesn't even take much scouting to figure out your opponent is 6pooling.