Hey guys. I've been hearing about the Mutalisk/Zergling strategy as Zerg and I can't find any build orders anywhere as I'm completely new to Zerg. Does anyone have any good build orders around Mutalisks/Zerglings that is detailed? Including when I should build Drones etc. Thanks. -DreadAlert-
I don't have any off the top of my head (I should). Try google, it's surprising what you can find. Once you do find a good one, post it here for me.
I start out with this almost all the time and it works pretty well: 10 Pool 9 Drone 10 Overlord 11 Queen, 5x Zerglings (as larva become available) Ovelord, 5-6x Zerglings (for however many larva have been spawned at that point) From then on I just keep pumping out Zerglings to keep the pressure on, researching Metabolic Boost shortly before teching to Banelings. I make roughly one Drone for every two pairs of Zerglings. If my opponent manages to hold back my Zerglings and Banelings then I let 'em sit tight for a bit and focus on building economy and teching to air. As soon as I have him distracted with a bunch of Mutalisks (and 3-4 Brood Lords) I let loose with my Zerglings and Banelings. If he hasn't managed to drop an expansion between constant raids, it's usually a game-winner.