Hi Guys I am desperate for help on this one PLEASE!! I just bought starcraft 2 for my MAC 2.8ghz the installation went smooth, no problems. Then i had to do the update before playing, and thats where the problem is, it keeps stoping on 66% with 2.4megs remaining of the down load the error is "There are multiple problems when saving the data". i have tried it a number of times as well as restarted my Mac and i have checked all my "Disk Permissions and Disk Verify" and thats all ok. My Mac is brand new, 3 months or so old. Please help Many Thanks Rick
buy a pc, or uninstall/reinstall the game, or delete the download file and reinstall did you buy disc or digital
i am havin the same problem but with the second patch that i think icame out today wich is the 1.0.2., if anyone find out how to fix it PLEASE reply or send me a message i get stuck in 68% of the 1.0.2 update download and it STOPS downloading and stay there for hours, tried it with another computer and the same thing happened. PLEASE help, thank you
Another computer on the same network? This sounds like a router firewall problem to me. Try bypassing your router with the PC you're updating. If that doesn't work try checking your modem's configuration and make sure there's no stupid firewall installed on that too. It happens. Are both of you on Macs or just the OP?
Same here, at 49%. executed all steps blizzard described in support page under "multiple problems saving data" to no avail. Messed up patch....
My work around, if you can't find the file for manual download, is always to delete the /updates folder inside of your StarCraft II installation folder. It seems to work well enough because the download will start from scratch.
possible solution Well, I think I may have found a way to resolve this issue, at least with the enGB version. As you start the updater, it will create torrent links on your default sc 2 directory. Download all these files using a regular software for torrents, when you finish, add the extension ".part" on the downloaded files, and put them inside "Updates". Just run the updater and it will find all those files and proceed with the install. Worked just fine for me on the first try. Hopefully, this will help you guys. just my 2cp.