Multiple Noob Questions

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by havoc, May 21, 2010.

Multiple Noob Questions

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by havoc, May 21, 2010.

  1. havoc

    havoc Guest

    Hi there, first time poster here. I am quite new to the beta but I do have a tiny bit of SC1 experience, so I know how all three races play for the most part. I have decided to play Terran as my main race, and I feel like I'm having some problems.

    First, when do I tech up? Right now I think I'm trying to tech up too early and putting 2 engineering bays down quite early in the game.

    Second, I feel like I don't know what to go for in terms of units except for marines. What is a good combination with ground units? I have to make an armory to increase my ground tech anyway but should I be making two armory's and going for air or vehicle?

    Making at least some marines seems like a must for Terran, and I like teching ground, but should I tech air as well?

    Also, when should I start making refineries? I usually make them right after I block my entrance with my Barracks.

    I don't ever scout their base, and I've been reading that it is a MUST to do this, but should I put pressure early on with marines?

    My final question is when to expand, I was playing a TvZ earlier and I tried expanding but the Zerg kept killing my secondary base.

    I know these are very newbish, but I'm trying to get better with Terran. Thank you.
  2. dcoetzee

    dcoetzee Member

    May 20, 2010
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    Just to answer a couple of your questions, the classic strat for Terran ground is MMM (Marines, Marauders, and Medivacs). Marines target air and have a fast firing rate, marauders have more range and damage on ground units and buildings, and medivacs heal. For early pressure on their base, the usual choice is reapers since they can bypass defenses at the choke, but this will impede your economy a bit.
  3. havoc

    havoc Guest

    Thanks for the reply. Yeah I've done a few reaper rushes with some friends but they end up backfiring in the long run, I usually can get quite a few of their workers but not finish them off.
  4. W4LLY

    W4LLY New Member

    May 24, 2010
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    I make it my duty to be prepared for a reaper rush, and if one does try and do it to me, there are dire consequences.

    I hate reapers...especially when people Macro with them. -.-