Hello, I can play campaign smoothly, but the game lags when I play multiplayer. Specifically, it starts lagging about minutes into the game, or when the population grows. I am playing on a router, bt wired. Below are information about my laptop and router. I will post as much as I could. (By the way, I am playing on the lowest setting possible.) Laptop - HP Pavilion dm4 laptop - Intel i5 - ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5450 - M 430 @ 2.27 GHz - 4.00GB RAM - 64 bit Router - Belkin N F5D 8236-4 Thank you very much. I'm sure you need more information, so let me know what else you need.
you should try and clean your computer....uninstal programs that you dont use anymore...a friend of mine did that...and worked
Play wired if you have the choice, not wireless. Post a DXDiag here so we can check your system drivers. To run dxdiag=> Windows_logo_key+r, dxdiag. If you have 64-bit windows, click the button at the button that says "Run 64-bit DxDiag," Then save all the data by clicking "Save All Information..." zip/rar the text file and attach it to the post. Instructions on how to zip here. To create a rar file, first download and install winRAR then read this guide here.
Thank you very much for your reply. I worked on trying to get the zip files for an hour, but I'm not sure how to do it. So I will attach the text files for now. Sorry for this inconvenience.
part two is below. hopefully this is enough to figure out! I am running on wired. (I think its a 20ft+ long ethernet cord though, if that matters). --- UPDATE: I have read through some other posts. When I scroll up to menu, it says I'm running on 4fps??, isn't that ridiculously slow?
Post the full model of your HP laptop. It will be something like "dm4-1150ca" (the last bit is the part that I'm missing) and may be on a sticker on the button of your laptop. I am looking over your dxdiag now.. but its a 32-bit dxdiag and you are running 64-bit windows. Click the button at the bottom that says "Run 64-bit DxDiag..." Let that run and upload that new 64-bit DxDiag. I can't learn anything else about the machine until I have the 64-bit DxDiag and the full model of your laptop. You can try running the Intel Driver Update Utility since the drivers appear to be installed already. This will look and inform you of any Intel driver updates. Run that and install any updates that it recommends, THEN post a the 64-bit dxdiag. Upload the dxdiag to http://www.mediafire.com/ since compressing seems to be difficult right now. You do only have a ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5450, so I have to ask, what settings are you running StarCraft II at? I wouldn't think anything above Medium would be any good for longer games with lots of units. Try adjusting lower and loading up replays you had slow downs on, and see how much of the "lag" is graphical. Other peoples machines are bound to vary in spec, so they could be the cause of some lag.
1) DxDiag http://www.mediafire.com/?w9dw2js42jq1381 2) Laptop Model DM4-1063cl 3) Intel Driver Update - I did not see any updates 4) Graphic settings - It's on low haha *I have nothing open when I play Starcraft *I bought this laptop a month ago Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks so much again!
I'm heading home right now so I'll have a more detailed response later. What virus scanner are you running? If none download and try Microsoft Security Essentials and run a scan.
Well, if you are running AVG freeware, I would highly suggest moving to Microsoft Security Essentials. I've had lots of misses with AVG so I really don't like it. I'm just going to start from scratch and give my recommendations as I normally would. Support page for HP Pavilion dm4-1063cl. Um... after looking at this new 64-bit dxdiag... I've got to wonder. This machine has an onboard Intel HD card (probably on chip with the CPU), plus the ATI graphics adapter. I have to wonder... which one is StarCraft II using? On a side note, ALWAYS have your virus scanner enabled when online, regardless if your playing a game or not (just another reason to pick MSE over AVG, MSE is lighter and you can't even notice its installed). I am in the process of downloading your laptops maintenance manual (on dialup so 3.8MB takes time ) I'll update this post or make a new post when I have more information.
1) So uninstall AVG first then download MS Essentials? 2) When I have the battery plugged in, I think the laptop uses the "better" graphics card. Once I unplug it, it says "Do you want to change the graphics card..." or something like that. So, I think it is using the higher graphics card when I'm playing Starcraft because it is plugged in. --- I noticed something yesterday. In the beginning of the game, it goes up to like ~114 fps, but when a battle takes place anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes into the game, it starts lagging and goes down to 1 fps. When the battle stops, it goes back up to like 80 fps. My graphics card can't handle battles?!? Haha thanks Xev, I'm so glad you are on this forum.
No graphics card can handle the heavy battles.. even in low. lol The game is just too demanding right now. Its like the glory days of StarCraft 1 on the average P166 all over again. Battles back then turfed until P333+'s finally hit. lol I seriously didn't learn anything from that maintenance manual. Uhh~ so much for getting a look at how your BIOS is setup.
Sorry buddy, hopefully you are able to figure it out. Meanwhile, is Microsoft Essentials a anti-virus program? Does this mean I uninstall AVG because I shouldn't install two anti-virus?
Yes you must uninstall AVG. My general experience with both AVG and MSE... I have found AVG free misses far to oftain for normal use. I want you to run a test if you would. Save the replay from the next lagging StarCraft II game you have, and then replay it. Does the replay play faster then the actual game did or does it still lag?
Hello, SC II has been lagging again. It hasn't been lagging for 4+ months and then it randomly starts lagging. Lately, I had to restart my computer several times because it wouldn't wake up (after I put it to sleep), maybe this has to do with it?