Mothership Wormhole

Discussion in 'Protoss' started by random guy, Aug 18, 2007.

Mothership Wormhole

Discussion in 'Protoss' started by random guy, Aug 18, 2007.

  1. random guy

    random guy Guest

    Hi guys. Was thinking of posting this in one of the "Mothership" or "Blackhole" topics, but I decided to just make a separate topic. My apologies to the moderators if they deem this to be a duplicate topic. Anyway, just want to know what you guys think of this idea. Since the mothership is currently given a role nearly similar to that of the arbiter (i.e., cloaking units, but limited to ground units for the mothership), I thought it might be best to bring back the arbiter's "recall" ability. In the manual of the original game, the ability is described as "creating a tear in the fabric of space-time, and any friendly units that enter the swirling vortex will instantaneously appear next to the arbiter that initiated the effect." This is actually a wormhole, as stated in the official starcraft compendium. Perhaps it would make sense to swap the blackhole ability with a wormhole ability, which acts exactly like recall, with a significantly larger area of effect (recall had an area of effect equivalent to a 5x5 matrix). The ability should be able to recall air units only, since the mothership in itself is an extremely powerful anti-ground unit. This is to compensate for her lack of anti-air abilities. In addition, the animation of the blackhole (as seen during the WWI) can just be reversed whenever a mothership "recalls" a fleet of protoss ships (although the animation should be faster). In this case, the protoss player can call for reinforcements using the wormhole ability to deal with opposing ships, instead of creating a blackhole which would mean instant death to the nearby opposing ships and would be difficult to balance for competitive play. The ability also achieves a feat which the phase prisms cannot do, that is to warp in air units. Only difference is, the effect of recall is near-instantaneous (i.e., no build time). This way, the mothership can be restored to its "Superunit" status. I actually think that she's a fitting upgrade to the old judicator sanctum. Thoughts?
  2. Gasmaskguy

    Gasmaskguy New Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    Good idea! That way the Mothership will keep its "three abilitys". It feels a little lame when a Mothership has 2 abilitys when a High Templar have/had 3
  3. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    :powerup:! I agree, I think that this is a great idea. It is different enough from the old Arbiter Recall ability, and as you said a great way to counter the lack of anti-air firepower that the Mothership has. I also could see Blizzard making the ability look really neat!
  4. grrrr...

    grrrr... New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    the thing is now u can have more than one mothership,,,,cuz havin one unit is really against the concept of sc,,,,,itd be annoying that once u see many motherships come w/ a lot blackhole(or wormhole) all over ur base.
  5. Seradin

    Seradin New Member

    Aug 19, 2007
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    i dont quite understand this can someone simplify it for me?
  6. Protosscommander

    Protosscommander New Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Some one explain it, its really hard to understand very long.. ohh.
  7. Fenix

    Fenix Moderator

    May 21, 2007
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    It's a big Recall that only works for air.

    I think it's a great idea. I've been pissed that Recall was gone.
  8. WuHT

    WuHT New Member

    May 29, 2007
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    I thoguht recall was going to be back for sure 100%.

    Afterall, maneuverability around the entire battlefield is a must for race that include powerful but costly units
  9. ArchLimit

    ArchLimit New Member

    Jun 26, 2007
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    Random Guy, you're only into u'r 4th post and it's already one of the best ideas I've heard in a while! Haha, now THAT'S good ratio.

    I think it's a REALLY good idea. I mean "blackholing" the enemy really is pretty almighty sounding, but I think there's still magic in the "bending fabric of time 'n space" thing even if it's calling in u'r own units. The other two abilities were pretty awesome on their own, and I would have HATED to have the MS lose those for the sake of not being a superunit. So this creates a really good balance. Great job and welcome to the forums!
  10. josh

    josh New Member

    Jul 12, 2007
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    hmm. nice idea. coz i was always thinking that if the mothership would create a black hole to send enemy units in another dimension (i realy don't think that the black hole would kill rather it would somehow teleport enemy units at a different place of time, i dunno) they should create another story for the ones that has been teleported. pretty wild huh? anyway, the recall should be back on SC2 coz it's already part of the protoss' strategy and the new idea of a "wormhole" should be placed on the game.

    nice job on the suggestion. :powerup: maybe some day you would be the next mod coz, dude, only 4 posts and already made a really, really good topic.

    EDIT: oh and btw, welcome to the forums.
  11. shadow

    shadow New Member

    Jul 10, 2007
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    this is realy a good idea :thumbup:
    id hate to lose recall and this covers my needs for it :good:

    but it shuld be able to warp ground units to.

    anyway, welcome to the forum :)
  12. I like the idea of re-using the Black Hole animation for something, because I thought it looked fantastic and was sad to see it go, though it clearly couldn't have stayed the way it was.

    It would certainly work for a recall animation... but I think there are other options that would work, too.

    In the vein of replacing old abilities, it could serve as a new take on Stasis- instead of encasing the units in blue polygons, the units get sucked into a hole in space-time for a period of time, and pop out later. Same mechanic, new execution.

    To keep it as an aggressive ability like black hole was originally intended, there are a few more options. It could be used to teleport a group of air units- both yours and your opponent's- to a random spot on the battlefield. It could teleport your and your opponent's air units to a specific location, but deal significant damage to them en-route. It could cause the teleported units to re-appear one at a time, scattered all across the map, damaged or not.

  13. Sikhye23

    Sikhye23 Guest

    i think id be pissed if a mothership blackholed my battlecruisers in any way shape or form as they were about to let off a storm of yamato cannons. I think thats why blizzard axed it. The total resources + time for like 5 battlecruisers + research for yamato cannon, armor, and whatnot, wayyy overwhelms the resources and time it takes to make a mothership. When i first saw the mothership blackholing the ships in the first video blizzard showed i almost x-ed out the screen.
    besides you dont want to give a move too powerful to the mothership, its not worth it. You can easily take it down by loading hill billies into f-16's that takes brilliant air force academy pilots years to learn how to fly properly, and have one of them fly itself into the middle of it causing it to explode. Its pretty basic actually. Only you have to make sure to do it AFTER a small craft thats piloted by a paleontologist and a fresh prince gets jiggy with it inside the big mama mothership.
    otherwise you'll have to wait until the Ancients descend and take their city back from a puny exploration team thats always in trouble who discovered the city on some protoss planet via a stargate that, originally no phd wielding physicist knew how to work until an archaeologist who goes on a diet or something (how else do you explain his physical change) magically gets it to work. Then it'll probably be destroyed by aliens who suck the life out of you with their palms, if the Ancient's evil twins don't get there first. Which they probably will seeing that the women who led that small exploration team managed to survive an almost direct laser blast through the city in the vacuum of space and instead of being SUCKED OUT by a vacuum was blasted like 40 ft into the air and slammed against a pillar amongst broken glass and still managed to survive. i wouldn;t be too worried about it.
  14. Gasmaskguy

    Gasmaskguy New Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    that... that went of topic or something in the middle...
  15. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    i do want the recall to return
  16. longlivefenix

    longlivefenix New Member

    Sep 8, 2007
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    great ideas, i wouldnt use the black hole just bcuz i dont wana kill my own units! this makes sense though and i see it being used to pull some AA out of your base and killin their units. NICE POST
  17. Wlck742

    Wlck742 New Member

    Jul 15, 2007
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    That's actually a really good idea. Recall was one of the more useful abilities of the Protoss. I prefer this much more than the Black Hole. The Black Hole is only a damage dealer, while the Wormhole/Recall is a strategic ability that has the potential to cause even greater destruction in the right hands.
  18. Gasmaskguy

    Gasmaskguy New Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    yeah, i totally agree. And it should only recall air, thats what makes it a little more special.