This has been a discussion between myself and a friend of mine for a while. What do you think is better? Mothership? Or Arbiter? I like the Mothership better because it has a few cool abilities. Whereas my friend thinks the Arbiter is better because you can recall a massive army, freeze enemies, and cloak your units. I decided to make this topic/poll to see what you, the public, think :yes:.
I have voted for Arbiters because of Recall and Stasis powers. I mean if you can have only 1 Mothership, then I'd rather have multiple arbiters! EDIT: On the other hand, if the Unique MS is a real Kickass Unit, ok then why not
You kinda hit upon the problem with comparring the two alex, if both units follow their lore they should have completely different roles on the battlefield, and the fact that the Mothership is being shoe-horned into the arbiter's old role degrades everything.
should we also factor price into account? motherships would cost way more than arbiters. in any case, the mothership is cooler. we'll have to see how powerful it is when the game is released to figure out which one's actually better on the battlefield.
id say mother ship is more powerful. its able to cloak units and even buildings for toss. arbiters were not able to cloak buildings. the mother ships black hole is pretty much the same as stasis on arbiters. it doesnt have recall but it doesnt need it with the warp in ability toss have in sc2 now. units can warp in where ever theres pylon power and that opens up more cheese strategies for toss. so recall is not needed at all. the mother ship also has powerful atks to support it. overall it is alot more powerful then arbiters. the downside is that its extremly slow. alot slower then arbiters were and its a HUGE target. it is more powerful then arbiters but arbiters also has its + sides. so whether or not mother ship replaces arbiters we will just have to see. i cant wait to see how a few pro players over in korea use the mother ship.
I think what we also should bear in mind is the difference between Recall (SC1) and Warp in (SC2 gates): - Recall lets you teleport EXISTING units to a certain location - Warpgates only warps units that ARE BEING PRODUCED FROM THE GATE. According to me, it is quite a big difference in that Recall lets you overwhelm your enemy with the element of surprise. Whereas with Warp, you have to build units one by one and then wait for enough before attacking. it works more like a proxy gate. So suppose your army is full and you can't build any more units. Warp in would be useless, whereas recall was AMAZING. Meeeeh I want recall to come back! (Mothership or MothershipS )
is there a way to hallucinate motherships, or is the sentry's weak-unit-only hallucination the only one in the game? a hallucinated mothership is a HUGE damage sponge for very little cost.
This hits right on one my problems with SCII at the moment. The units are falling back into the same roles, even abilities, as SC:BW...One might even be able to call them counterparts. Many units, Mothership included, seem to be the same unit, but prettier, and with a few extraneous abilities.
I agree. I liked most of the units better when they were first introduced. So what abilities does the mothership have now that is known of?
I choose the arbitrer because they are all mobiles, can recall army and you can have more than 1 at time. What will you do with a slow mothership when it's plagued?