Most memorable single/multi player games

Discussion in 'StarCraft Original' started by coalescence, May 31, 2007.

Most memorable single/multi player games

Discussion in 'StarCraft Original' started by coalescence, May 31, 2007.

  1. coalescence

    coalescence New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    Tell me your stories of the most weird, whack, curious or grand victorious or losses you have had in a game of starcraft (either single or multiplayer)
  2. coalescence

    coalescence New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    I remember this one time when we were doing LAN games at a friends house and he totally destroyed another friends base with a mass army of drones :eek:
  3. mc2

    mc2 New Member

    May 20, 2007
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    Lets see, I've posted some of it in other topics

    I typed "nuclear launch detected" onto the screen and my opponent left the game...
    I exploded a critter and my opponent left the game.....
  4. coalescence

    coalescence New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    The critter one actually gave me the idea for this topic.
  5. TheDarkTemplar

    TheDarkTemplar New Member

    May 24, 2007
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    The absolute greatest game I've ever played in StarCraft was against my friend. I always used to beat him and he used to get sooooo frustrated.

    So anyway, we started off the game and it went on for aaaaaages. We had pretty similar strategies (it was TvT btw) and both of us were going for Siege Tanks and the like. Anyway, after about an hour of play, he attacked me with an army of Siege Tanks, Battlecruisers, Wraiths, Marines and Firebats. It was mental stuff but I just about held out due to my defence and the fact I had been building up my own army. I was left with no air units and a pretty sizeable army of Tanks and Marines, so I decided to go for the instant counter-attack because I assumed he had no units left.

    I arrive at his base and OH MY GOD: He had spider mines EVERYWHERE! I couldn't believe it! He completely wiped out my army and his turrets took care of the lone Battlecruiser I had left and while he was at it, he attacked with the Vultures he had been keeping in reserve!

    I had to salute him though.
  6. 10-Neon

    10-Neon New Member

    May 23, 2007
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    Um, you can't explode critters in multiplayer.

    I once nearly won a game against a using only Probes. He was using full Protoss tech. He eventually beat me down with scouts. I've played a few games where the rule was that only workers could be used, "Worker Wars," and they were all really fun.

    In a 2v2 game, my ally and I beat our opponents with an air worker rush.

    I once killed a player with Queens and Broodlings.

    On several occasions, I went into nuke mode, and just focused on building and launching nukes over actually winning. My allies were doing most of the real fighting, but I generated enough of a fear factor that two of our enemies left just because of the constant nuclear launches.

    On a couple of occasions, after scouting with an SCV, I floated my Barracks in, and pushed Bunkers in from a dark corner of my enemy's base.

    On a couple of occasions, in a 3v3 game on River of Light, my team triple worker rushed one enemy, killing them, while simultaneously lifting off (we all chose Terran) and continuing base construction on the cliffs above our bases, which had the same minerals/gas as the bases themselves. We effectively had a number and terrain advantage over our enemies, only sacrificing in the time lost in relocating and building new workers. We won, and that was fun.
  7. Fallrider

    Fallrider New Member

    May 29, 2007
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    Well, I was playing a Dawn of the Dead: Neighborhoods game (Survivial game, can anyone say ZERG RUSH?!), slowly everyone left one by one until I was the only one left to hold them off, with 36 seconds left they broke through my defenses and charged in.. there was so many Zealots and Ultralisks I couldn't hold them off, I only won that because I lifted my buildings up right when the bunker fell. I still have that replay, I'll send a file download as soon as I figure out how. >.>
  8. Zombine

    Zombine New Member

    May 29, 2007
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    me and a friend were playing on a resource scarce map, and we both wiped every mineral off the map against each other(2nd hour in).

    Anyway, we both eventually ran completely dry. Most of my funds went for base defense, and both of us were totally walled up. Both armies eventually were finally built, sent to the base, and after long battles, we were left with nothing but workers.

    With no money left, it became a waiting game, who would leave first.

    BUT i found something, a single marine! one with a parasite, so i separated it from my base, and sent it to a corner. Now he only really had a bunch of missle turrets left, i maneuvered the marine in with a pack of SCV's and STORMED HIS BASE!

    victory was so sweet
  9. JBL

    JBL New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    It has to be multiplayer.. unless you play melee single player games..

    anyway.. I don't have any specific games.. but I really like these games I played with some friends who were much better than me.. and I always learned a lot.. and after the games.. we were talking of it.. for hours.. they were teaching me..

    we used to watch the replays together.. it was nice..

    ahhhhh good times.
  10. Remy

    Remy New Member

    May 31, 2007
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    Once in team melee, my friend pulled off nuking the starting command center of the enemy Terran at 5 o'clock, this was on Ice Hunter(money map). This was late game where everyone already had multiple CC/nexus/hatch for minerals and the enemy Terran didn't bother rebuilding one there right away. I then quietly flew in an overlord hugging the mineral line to the right. Dropped off a drone and started to build a hatchery there. We kept the other team busy by constantly attacking relentlessly. After the hatch was built, I actually managed to pull off a nydus on the Terran. Cracklings everywhere in his base, went down in flames pretty fast. I think it was the only time I got to nydus a Terran ever. Pretty funny.

    A few times I asked my friends for command centers early on to make infested terrans. Loaded them up on ovies with extra ovies serving as decoys. Dropped them one at a time. They're so useless in groups, the first one kills the rest.

    4 pool rush was fun too, if not a little silly. Scout with one of the first four drones, make a replacement drone with the 50 minerals. Save up for spawning pool, then rush ftw. Required luck cuz u needed the enemy bases to be within a reasonable distance from your own. Oh, and this was back in the good old days when spawning pool was 150 minerals.
  11. JBL

    JBL New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    4 pool rush?? wtf it takes like 3 days to get the 200 mineral for the pool..

    ohh yeah.. 150 for spawning pool is a bit cheap lol.. that was when the turret was 100 mineral and the sunken totally sucked?
  12. Remy

    Remy New Member

    May 31, 2007
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    4 pool was only possible before 200 mineral patch.  These days Zerg don't have it as good as back in the glory days.

    150 mineral is only 5 trips with four workers. The main advantage of 4 pool is you rush while staying 9 supply, without needing to pull a second overlord. You can do the same thing with 6 pool, but each extra drone only pays for itself and starts making money starting with the 7th trip, so 4 pool is still a tad faster.
  13. UchihaItachi0129

    UchihaItachi0129 New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    er i dont know if this counts but in "New Poker Defense" i was trying to get the "secret" bogus straight unit and all i needed was a red flush to get the last part to make it and i said flush plz.... and then 2 seconds later after everyone finished killing the spawn i look at my hand all i see at first is red...ALL red...and i was like O.O(well i actually typed HOLY C***) and then typed wow... and then i took a closer look at it was a red...ROYAL FLUSH O.O and then i was like doesnt this screw up the game? and the other guy playing says no and i try it and nothing happens NOTHING i dont get a unit and no more spawn XD well i have the replay if you guys dont believe me. PM for my Brood War(East) account and i'll be glad to show you
  14. PowerkickasS

    PowerkickasS New Member

    Jun 14, 2007
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    funny stories? lol
    i was playing this 3v3 bgh game. at the start of the game this guy sent all his scvs to rush. 10 secs later; every1 just left. nobody even typed anything
  15. paragon

    paragon Guest

    Once I had a ghost army and did lockdown on their entire battlecruiser fleet and then nuked it. They were fucked after that so I easily killed him.
  16. PowerkickasS

    PowerkickasS New Member

    Jun 14, 2007
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    i once had a ghost army on fmp. dont think lockdown worked against zergs so i jus blinded all his overlords ^.^

    i once had a ghost army on bgh. they died v.v
  17. paragon

    paragon Guest

    Once my ally left at the beginning of a 2v2 on some map where two bases are on high ground and the other two are not. One of the enemies wasn't on high ground and the other was and I wasn't on high ground. So, I massed Zerglings until I reached the 200 supply limit so I probably had like 360 fully upgraded Zerglings cause I also had drones.

    One enemy was Terran (the one on high ground) and the other was Protoss and hadn't attacked me except for a few little raids that I had defeated. Both of these players seemed really shitty. So, I rush all my Zerglings to the Protoss base. After the attack I had about 200 left and the base was completely destroyed. Then I ran them all towards the Terran base on high ground. Since they all had to go up one ramp which had bunkers, goliaths, and siege tanks protecting it, every single zergling was destroyed and they only managed to kill 2 of the 4 bunkers and a few goliaths.

    So, I quickly made a bunch of guardians and laid waste to his base. They were amazingly horrible.
  18. Zombine

    Zombine New Member

    May 29, 2007
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    i once accidentally nuked my own ghost when i was learning to play.
  19. PowerkickasS

    PowerkickasS New Member

    Jun 14, 2007
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    hehe i wonder who didnt do that when they first started :D
  20. CarriersMustReturn

    CarriersMustReturn New Member

    Jun 3, 2007
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    When I first started playing SC I think on the thrid mission or something I beat it and I thought I was pro. :p