I recently read this and am OCDed to dust off my old morrowind/tribunal discs and install the whole pack... But I also wanna play Bloodmoon which I never got to buy at that time, and the only online shop in my country that I found sells if for an outrageous price(50 euro!!).. Is there some way to buy it cheap from somewhere online?
lol Morrowind was the reason why I bought the X-Box in the first place, loved that game, never actually completed the main missions though, soo many side missions Played Oblivion for a while then I lost all the saves so I got pissed off and never played it again and gave the disc away to a friend.
The official morrowind forums were the first time I ever used a forum... I had become the know-it-all guy with like 1500-2k posts, answering everything on which builds are best, where to find what you need and how to powerlevel your toon to divinity In regards to the original morrowind I new everything and mostly everything about the Tribunal expansion... loved that game, lolz
You're going to love Blooodmoon then! It's a great story, although maybe not as good as the original one. The only annoying part in that expansion is where you have to protect a village from some sort of forest elemental creatures. It tends to bug out, and not spawn the creatures, essentially breaking your game. (since you HAVE to do that quest) So just in case: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Bloodmoon:Razing_the_Forest Also: 2k posts? Pff