I think SC should have muuch more units then in the original. Right now it's all about having the right amount of units to cover all different game mechanics. They should make lots of units with overlapping yet slightly different roles. This way players would have a much larger selection to choose from, giving the gameplay much more depth and complexity. Please comment, as I feel strongly about this.
I think starcraft is not about complexity. It is about creativity, and usage of the special abilities. There is no need to have more units in the game. Try different combinations of the current ones in SC1 And if you mean you would like to have more units for one role, that doesn't make any sense! Starcraft would be a hard-to-learn game, and the matches wouldn't end in 15-20 minutes, cause more unit types would mean more buildings, huge bases.. The game would concentrate on building and upgrading instead of fighting. So I must say SC had enough units, and SC2 won't have much more than that.. Only the unit limit should increase, not the unit types.
Please close or remove this topic. Starcraft is all about uniqueness and therefore should NEVER have any units or structures that have overlapping roles. That is ridiculous. I am sorry if this sounds a bit offensive, but it is not more then the truth. You do not need more units, you need to combine them and come up with a good tactic. That is the whole concept of the starcraft games. @hunter Starcraft an easy to learn game? I found it quite difficult to master all of those sneaky tactics, counters etc. Or am I having trouble with understanding what you mean?
I don't see why would you lock it. DevilsGate had an idea and that's forum for discussing those, right? Topics shouldn't be locked because one of members thinks it's 'not starcraft' (even though, you were right this time ) learning =/= mastering with more units it would be hard just to learn what each one does, where it's built etc. and I don't think it was especially hard in sc. Now tactics, counters, etc. is different story. That said, I agree with Forsaken and Hunter, there shouldn't be overlapping units in sc (Thor was one and there was alot controversy about it), but again, it's not a reason to close the topic
Right now, Protoss and Terran look great unit-wise. I'd rather they focus on getting the Zerg out and polishin Terran a bit than creating another 5-10 units for each race. The game would just end up sucking.
Hey I think it was pretty easy to learn the basics. But only the basics Just think about it. With more buildings you would have to learn the complex building order, where to upgrade the units? where to build them etc.. but maybe SC was easy only for me.. I don't know. I played tiberian Sun for example which had more units, complex build order, and it took me like mounths to get familiar even with the controls.. Not to mention the gameplay, the build orders.
Lol @ release in 2010. I think it is quite possible that we have to wait that long even without extra units. Even when they have finished the game, do not forget that there will be an extensive beta period first. With a game this big blizzard just can not afford to release the game without some proper feedback.
Assuming they will release beta sometime around this expo in Paris there's still half a year before 2009, so I'd say end of 2008 / early 2009
To hunter and Forsaken: One of the most famous pro gamers once said (i think it was slayer (not slayer_boxer, slayer is from norway): Starcraft is easy to learn but hard to master And i think the game will be released in the ending of 2008... because beta will probaly take a half year, and beta will start after the convention in Paris... Oh... Mee you just posted when i was writting...
I personally think that adding one or two more units would be plenty. Blizzard did say specifically that Starcraft II will have approximately the same amount of units as the original, and they appear to be sticking to it. With the new units, the 3D-ness, the new mechanics, and the new story that will all be in Starcraft II, I think we will have plenty to do anyway.
ok but keep in mind that new units wuldnt necessarily mean new buildings, and i don't mean units with eXACT overlapping roles, but slight differences, u kno just to open up a wider variety of combat options. but yes i SUPPOSE it wuld become more difficult. and yeh balancing and stuff wuld take ages...
I have always liked the number of units in SC. And i think that its just the right number of units... Lower amounts would result in boring games, greater amounts would result in balance problems, overlapping-roles etc.
To win at Starcraft you need to be as optimal in your unit selection as possible. Any overlapping roles will lead to one unit being consistently passed over for the other. There are many reasons why unit A will be used over unit B... maybe unit A builds faster, costs less gas, has a faster rate of fire, has more HP... list goes on. On the flip side .. for the casual players I can see more units with overlapping roles are good.. gives them something else to screw around while their opponent is winning the game. Which means they will get frustrated with ladder play, and start playing UMS sooner. I bet those units with overlapping roles will get rocked by your mad TD skills.
This is funny to me, I think that having people choose optimal roles in the way taht having a balance is good, but not great. Its not just about getting to know your units, I mean its more counter for counter... all the games ive seen and played have been like this. Great base start up, solid roles from units like zealots and goons, or tanks and vultures, and than you get to choose how to counter the big units that come iunto play late game, but the strat for the normal period of time from like 1-10min is the same for among most players depending on what race you counter. Yeah balance is nice but optimum strategies are better.
^ Wrong TvP The Terran perhaps always use the same units, but what upgrades do he do first (spidermines, siege etc.)? What is the ratio 1:1 tank - vulture etc. Does he fast expand, 2factory etc. Perhaps units are limited, but strategies arent... And in SC2 more units will be used in each match-up IMO (tanks will die to immortals, so terran will need MM imo. etc.)...
I to, am a unit whore. So I know how you feel. Thankfully, Blizzard gives us great map creation tools that are easy to learn, and they are getting better at exporting things to! So you may do what I like to do and create as many units as the editor will let you have (happened in my WC3 map). If you want to make an Ion Cannon that can level half the map, you can do it! Fun times...