Never call the founder of 4chan to testify in a trial. It is silliness.
I wonder why they asked those questions. Maybe they thought that knowing all that could only mean he is the actual 4chan admin, not just claiming to be?
Yea, and I say unto thee, ask, that ye might receive. PDF warning. Drie, it seems that the questions were out of nowhere and didn't actually lead to anything. My favourite part is: Q. Is 4chan considered a popular site? A. Yes. Q. And can you describe that briefly, please. What sort of matrix or measurements suggest that it might be a popular site? A. As of now in the past 30 days the site received approximately hits from nine and a half million unique visitors.
By far the best rapid-fire comedy I have ever experienced. Funnier than any comedian. Q. And the term "rickroll" you said it tries to make people go to a site where they think it is going to be one thing, but it is a video of Rick Astley, is that right? A. Yes. Q. He was some kind of singer? A. Yes. Q. It's a joke? A. Yes.
Aah, I think I know it now. It's to make the jury understand what 4chan is, and what the board itself had as role in the spreading of private information.
I'm pairing it with the absurdity of the testimony, not necessarily with 4chan. Way to kill the joke.