Not complaining because either way it's a tactic and successful at that but is there any way to stop 4 players mmm'ing in 4vs4 doing mmm because i've just been absalutely destroyed :S
There is but one way....get a helluva skittles no but seriously.....hmmm.....mass HT, Colossus,(some) Sentries, and zlots. go void eays bit too; they are really useful!
yea using sentries and force field with the colossi standing behind them would be murder i think, it would at least look cool anyway.
build a bunch of stalkers an hope the game crashes?:laugh: build collosus high temps tanks and kill yourself if your zerg for you have no chance.
Yeah, you only need 3 protoss players, one makes collosi, one makes sentries and one makes ht's. When their ball moves out you block them with force fields from both sides, and get collosi on one side and storms on another
if you have a zerg, get loads of burrowed banes at key points, infestors to fungal or mass infested terran. (4 players IT spamming = GG). terran? I'd get tanks. tons of tanks, and some vikings for the medivacs and harrass. brood lords would help if used behind a decent allied force.