So guys.... How do you beat the super imba MMM ball as zerg? xD i've tried Banelings/Zergling/Roach but that got pretty much owned thats all i can come up with when i see such a stupid strategy.. D: and mass zergling is hard to do because i dont have enough larvae.. hmm, but then i should just build more hatcheries o.o but once they get that CRITICAL MASS they are allmost unstoppable for me -.- (i HATE terran btw.. especially when they mass thors) and also whats a good counter to ultralisks as zerg.....? dont say mutalisk or broodlords!!!!!!!!!! D:
Yes, I hate MMM balls >_> But I've found great luck using banelings/mutalisks/and zerglings. Infestors can work, but you have to FG the medivacs, not the army. They wont run too far without their medivacs. TLO has a great video of it somewhere. How many ultras are we talking about?
Well the generic response would be that you need to harass the Terran to deny them getting so many units without you being able to keep up with them. But if they managed nonetheless then I would go for speed banelings if they have medivacs and ravens, if no ravens then burrowed banelings should work well. Scouting is crucial there because you need to anticipate their attacks, not just their build. Against ultras, I would say the hydra is as direct a ground counter as you can get. You can kite with them nicely, and they work even better at chokes. I'm not sure if fungal growth works on ultras due to their frenzy but if they do then those are a must.
I haven't been playing ladder much, but in all honesty most of the 2v2 games I've been in end before Ultras are on the board (although I did have a fun game last week that included Ultras, Infestors AND Broodlords between me and the other Zerg player). In beta I used to deal with them by using Hydras and Infestors (to grab control of 1-2). With the time restrictions they added to neural parasite I think it might be hilarious to burrow an Ultra right before the duration expired, assuming both it and the infestor lived that long.
Lots and lots of banelings. Helps even more if you flank with the banelings while the MMM is distracted by attacking zerglings or other banelings. And yeah, hydralisks beat ultralisks. (And so do mutalisks and brood lords)
A trick which helps is sticking small groups of fast zerglings and banelings around the map so you can hit them from all angles. That way you have a much better chance at your banelings destroying them. Easy once the marines are dead because your mutas can finish the rest off.
nice :3 the thing with the burrowed banelings is pretty awesome but if they have ravens eerh.... then thats probably not a good idea ^^ the other ideas sound pretty complicated to me but i guess i have to try them out somehow ^^
Use your AOE, MMM is what its for... Banelings dice earlier forces. Burrow them for ambushes, go on bombing runs with Overlords, pop Nydus Worms into their bases. Remember to upgrade their speed to counteract Marauder slowdown, and also, remember to order them to MOVE, not ATTACK-MOVE. This means they will move right next to the MMM stack and let the enemy detonate them. Infestors have Fungal Swarm, which allows you to hold Marine/Marauders in place and deny them escape long enough to surround and finish them. Ultras can't be slowed, and while their splash deals something like 1/3 damage, it does so over a huge AOE. I once used 6 Ultras to kill 20 Zealots and 5 of them survived, and that was with both forming a line with minimal AOE, against Light units that they deal less damage to anyways. Also, FLANK. Deny them the option of retreating. OR use creep to prevent it anyways...
great i didn't know that you would have to move your banelings and not attack-move xD thanks for that ^^
Doesn't fungal growth soften up the marines nicely? Or do the medivacs heal them too fast? 2 fungal growths one after each other should kill most of the marines, unless I'm missing something. Most of my games against Terran end before I get Infestors, so I haven't tried it properly yet. Any thoughts?
Medivacs heal infantry too fast, so a direct FG will not work. I've tested this with a friend, and pretty much nothing happened since FG doesn't stack. But a better strat was to FG to medivac, then do over and over again and run until it dies or its low enough to kill with an anti air unit relatively fast. Note: Very micro intensive, but it stalls time and can actually kill an MMM ball if done right. (Still can't find the video of TLO doing this...) You can try using Neural Parasite as well, but that big tentacle screams "kill me!"