Blizzard confirmed long ago that different tilesets (Ash World, Installation, Badlands) can be mixed with each other in SC2, which will be great for map making. So, how about mixing the Installation tileset with another tileset? It would be cool to have melee maps with both indoor and outdoor elements. Maybe a shortcut to the enemy's base would be through an installation going through a mountain. Having bases inside of installations would be cool too. In almost all SC1 tilesets there were doodad doors that could be added to cliffsides. Now, you could actually enter them for strategic use. Like it?
I like it, but only if air units were not allowed in. I would say no structures either... I mean, a structure within a structure doesn't make much sense. So if air units had to stay outside and you couldn't build inside just like on some tiles in SC1, then I'd very much like it. It could give you that "backdoor feeling" for example when you go through a mountain and not round it, where the enemy would mostly expect you.
Before I read vasz's post I pictured little bases dotted around the map where you could build but then vasz crushed my dreams and made me realize building inside one of these bases(installation) would be imba since they could turtle them selfs in and there'd be no back door and the choke point would be hard to get thru since it would be a tight squeeze. But yea I never knew about Blizzard allowing us to mix tile sets, that will make ums even better also custom maps will have other strategies. Imagine you was inside a base trying to regen your shields then you left thinking you da shit then the Reapers posted up on top of the installation tile set roof jump down and own whatever comes out. So it could work both ways definitly.
You mean turrets like the ones in the campaign installation maps? Wouldn't that be IMBA, when only one race can do that?
maybe something else for zerg and protoss than, maybe creep gates(gates made of creep) for zerg, and small uncloaked interceptor compartments for protoss
Buildings only made for installations would be too specialised. Either everything can be built in installations or nothing IMO.
i disagree, i think it would be cool if campaign-only, and than it wouldnt be overly specialised, and you can only mix the tilesets in editor so you can make them build the turrets anyway