I'm sure this is old news for some of you, but for some others the news hit us hard on the head. As most of you may know blizzard decided to take away the hydralisk's movement speed and lurker mutation from the zerg. Can anyone explain to me why has blizzard done this? Lore-wise it doesn't make much sense either. The hydralisks gained new evolutionary strains thanks to Kerrigan and unlocked the ability to mutate into a lurker. How come a few years later they lost this ability? Especially when the lurkers were particularly useful and effective in Brood Wars?
There's more missing than that. They can very well have Lurkers in the campaign only if they want to. They removed a load of things just for the "sake of balance". Game looks rather cheap right now. I strongly miss Lurkers and some other units or abilities that have been removed. I understand balancing a game is a tough thing... but just removing half of everything is not exactly my favorite way of balancing. But really, the Lurker is -the- unit I miss the most.
I miss the lurker as well, but hopefully the newer units for each race add even more depth than the first one had (asking for alot but still). They keep saying "were designing SC2 for competitive play" so im guessing these balances and removals/additions will keep for a strong and fun competitive game, if it doesnt...well...
Blizzard just keeps nerfing stealth. I noticed the cloaking ability for the Banshee is tier 3.5 (about); it requires a fusion core just to research it. The lurker was probably too weak for a high-tier unit, but Blizzard wouldn't take it down a tier as that would be introducing combat stealth too early. Probably for similar reasons, the infestor can no longer cast spells while burrowed. (IMO there should be a high-tier upgrade for that... it would be sweet.)
unlike the other 2 races zerg is a bit harder to tech seeing as their tree goes straight up instead of branches like the other 2. if they made it a tier 2.5 unit i think it would be a unit very welcome into the zerg roaster.