I acquired Photoshop and a tablet yesterday. Never used photoshop before, it's damn confusing. I'll probably be watching a lot of tutorials on youtube in the future. Anyways, I made a Mirelurk (Mirelurk Hunter, from Fallout 3) from scratch, y'all. Comments, feedback?
Nice dude. I like the texturing on the shell. For criticism, I'd point out that you either got lazy or bored with the left side of the picture. There's details missing, as well as it's just not drawn as well.
You are the most annoying Fallout enemy ever. But hell, if you have a tablet and Photoshop I bet you're going to get way better than that, and in a nice amount of time. Not saying it isn't bad, plus it looked like you had fun with it.
:laugh: nice wording I think art on this site is going to take a new direction from here, which is nice.
Thanks all. What you say is true Fenix. I'll pay more attention to the initial sketch I make. Rojo, have you ever faced a Mirelurk Hunter on very hard? Damn. Crippling one of the legs is a must. My tablet is a Wacom Intuos4 L Simbob. Since I haven't had much experience with tablets before I don't think I am qualified to recommend anything. Of course, I do think it rocks. Thanks and lol Kuvasz. I'd like to see a resurrection of our gallery, including a sc2forums fanart section...
We will have that after the next revamp, but LK is delaying it for some reason. :s Anyway: very nice. Especially since this is your first try with the whole tablet-photoshop combo. Ever going to make something with a Starcraft theme?