If a drone has gas and then gather minerals, does the gas disapeie, or do both get added to your total when you reach a hatchery? (and vise versa). Also, if you morph your drone into a structure, do you lose anything it had in its claws or do they count as collected?
1. Yes. I remember seeing a pro creating an extractor in addition to the scouting drone which made him able to gather minerals, then gas, then minerals, to rob the opponent. It's more of a tongue-in-cheek thing than any indrance to the opponent. 2. Neither, its cargo remains in its claws until dropped off or killed.
kuvasz's answers weren't the clearest, I'd have to say. The gas disappears when you mine minerals, and vice versa. If you want to be efficient, either don't transfer drones to minerals if they are holding gas, or, if they are, use the return command (hotkey C) after you right click the minerals, which causes them to return the gas and then go mining. You can do the same thing with transferring drones from minerals to gas as well. If the building completes, you lose the gas/mineral it was holding. However, if you cancel the building, the drone will still be holding its cargo, which can be returned as normal.
Tbh, I didn't get the first read either... Took me a second readthrough(right now) to realise that you meant he sent 2 drones made an extractor ith 1 and used the other to steal both types of resources...