Why do we get minerals for quoted material? Why should we be rewarded for what someone else wrote. I think that should be changed. Does anyone agree? In following this ideal I will be giving the minerals I made off this topic to the first mod who asks
No. Though I don't know if it can be done or not. It would nice though because then we could quote excessively without having to shorten it. At least I guess that's why it's not allowed.
I completely agree. EIther you make quoting not worth anything or don't be so picky about quotes. I've had a few quotes deleted because it quoted the above post, or because of little miss this, or little miss that. I think that if it ain't spam, don't delete it. The rules topic clearly states "excessive repetetive" quoting, and I get a quote deleted because omg I quoted a sentence out of the above post. P2TPPL!
Not a two-line quote, I don't think. This quote is an example that would get erased. I earn about 1.6 minerals for it or something, and used an unecessary quote only once, but it would get erased. (Not challenging the mods or anything, just illustrating my point, the unecessary quote used as an argument so it isn't unecessary.(Yes, more minerals explaining that. And that. And that...) )
well it shouldnt cause if we do it for minerals, we get banned or suspended... so we should be able to quote as much as we can but no minerals so yea...
I think it would be hard to do that, quotes are still technically text that is posted. I do not think you can differentiate between regular text and quoted text on any forum system. In order to prevent post increase (along with mineral rewards), the administrator would have to enable an option that says Posts in this forum increase member's cumulative post count? or something close to it. I believe that is something that we do not want to do to the entire forum. Besides, you could have just provided the direct links to other forum topics without the text pieces posted. Also, if a moderator finds that you are quoting way too much than you are expected to quote, action will be taken and a warning will be sent.
Quotes are other people's words, you should only be rewarded with what you contribute to these forums. Quotes should be used as guide points for what you're arguing against or for or responding to and not part of your/opinion.
I understand that quotes are other people's work, however you are not expected to quote a post in its entirety. It is outlined in Rule #10 of these forums: I agree with the last part on the guide points, at least it should not be a very large part of your opinion. Thinks why is this thread in the Forum Shop and not in the Forum Info category.
No, you should not get minerals for quotes. I do not know how to implement this but I am sure it can be done; although, it may take more work than it is worth. I don't really know. If it can be implemented with a reasonable amount of effort, it should be.
Well technically you could just write code that ignores anything between the tags. That wouldn't be too complicated. But I personally feel that if someone tastefully quotes in an organized manner, they should be rewarded for it. So long as it's not abused. That's what the mods are for.
Not really. If you're following the guidelines set out for quoting (and if you're not the quotes would get removed anyway) then it's just as much work to quote sources. First off, you have to find them, then you have to select out what you want to stay under the unnecessary quoting guidelines, and then you have to tastefully use it and cite the source. It's just as much work.
thats true, but if someone abuses the quoting system and gains heaps of minerals, only to have the quotes removed.. that user still retains the minerals he or she may not deserve. perhaps when removing unnecessary quoting also remove a small amount of minerals. Not as a hard punishment but just to remove the undeservred minerals from the quoting, and also to really hit home that quoting unnecessarily is against forum rules. Then again i dont know if thats too time consuming for mods, or perhaps too harsh. i donknow.
Actually, I don't believe so. If it's pretty clear that they have been gaining undeserved minerals, we can always remove them.