Its new, and its cinematically brilliant, i loved every last shot to every last piece of dialog. Definatly worth your time if you havnt seen it.
Saw it when it popped up on Youtube last night....It's probably my fave 'Meet the _____" so far. Best thing ever "No, that's your mother"
I wonder what valve's reaction will be today to it being leaked on to youtube (unless valve knew that the ravenous TF2 community would easily access it >.>). At the rate valve's going meet the pyro will be a short film xD
I dunno if I could watch a Meet the Pyro, cause he doesn't really say anything. He's the Kenny of TF2
Robin Walker has replied at the TF2 blog O noes he's gone mad with power
Well, if someone in my company was leaking confidential information or work thats not meant to go out yet I'd be pissed too.
Pancake, it's clearly a joke, especially if you read the follow up post taking the matter to even more ridiculous extremes.