Im curious how other players cpntrol-group the MMM, particularly the medivacs....I tend to just Controlgroup them into one hotkey and when I micro the ball, the meds tend to go forward most of the time and get focus-fired!. Ideally they should be just behind the Marine and Marauder lines auto-healing. When I leave out the meds from the control group, they usually fall behind and "forget"to follow (when the follow unit gets killed). Any suggestions on how to do this micro better?
Have them follow the slowest unit in your Bio army, which is usually a Marauder, towards the rear of your army. Can you actually have them follow a control group...I'm not sure ?
Put your marines and medivacs in one group. Put your medivacs in another. Click on your medivacs control group and press "A" and then click on one of your marines / marauders for them to follow. Just be ready to reassign a unit to follow in case one dies.
The reason that doesn't work is when you move your 1st marine/medivac group, the attack order you gave to the medivacs on the marine/marauder is voided, and they follow whatever order you give to the whole MM and medivac ball
If I'm not mistaken, you can rally units to follow. So if one dies it will automatcially go to the next unit you rallied it too. That could just be for buildings though, dunno.