Medics, Ghosts, Drop Pods and Terran Mobility

Discussion in 'Terran' started by DKutrovsky, Nov 7, 2008.

Medics, Ghosts, Drop Pods and Terran Mobility

Discussion in 'Terran' started by DKutrovsky, Nov 7, 2008.

  1. DKutrovsky

    DKutrovsky New Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    I just posted about this on another thread, but I want to hear yall's opinion on it.

    Bring back the medic. Reasons:
    1. Medivac is a flying ship, it can be taken out really easy, a volley of stalkers or hydras will take one out.
    2. Early game the intro of marauders help but the lack of medics will be felt
    3. In a micro intensive early game, the lack of medic will make stip pack useless, which means that the only real threat the marines have is gone. Marines without stim pack suck

    They are now expensive and not as useful as before. They need more utility. Which brings me to my next point.

    Terran Mobility.

    Forcing a player to build more transport ships(Medivac) is not an improvement of mobility like Warp-In and Nydus Worm.
    We need a mobility mechanic. Bring back the ability to load troops in the shadow ops and to be launched by drop pods. That will help mobility and its an interesting new mechanic and makes ghosts more important special ops troops.
  2. Charmed

    Charmed New Member

    Nov 8, 2007
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    Yeah I felt that Medics > Medivacs. The reason they introduce medivacs is so that they can follow reapers but then since reapers r fast raiding units, they dun really need healing. And from what I have read is that the medivacs is not that very useful to heal reapers either...

    Not only do marines now lack of healing in early games, the fact is that the Medivac lost 2 spells that the Medics had in brood war. A waste of 2 spells just like that. Though marines have extra life and can be reproduce faster, it does not mean that marines do not need healing early game. They are still fairly easy to kill and I doubt marauders can support the marines like how the medic did in brood war.

    Actually Ghosts are much better now compare to SC1. They are now available much earlier in the game. And they have snipe to own templars, zealots n etc while able to cast emp which will be a major threat to Protoss armies. Well most Protoss player might freak out knowing that Terrans now have emp early game. Though lockdown will be missed.

    Drop pods are nice. However the ghosts currently has too many abilities. Blizzard may have trouble fitting drop pods into the Terran technology. I guess medivacs would only improve Terran mobility if the Terran player is focused in using infantries. If they are more geared towards mech, then yes medivacs shouldn't be able to help much in Terran's mobility. Mebbe its better if they can repair mechs instead of healing infantries. So yes I am all for scrapping medivacs and bringing back medics.
  3. Lombar

    Lombar New Member

    Jul 6, 2007
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    Buenos Aires
    I agree with Charmed on the ghosts being more useful on sc2 than on sc1.

    On the other hand I think the medivac should stay as it is.. I always though medics so early on the game was a lil bit to OP.
  4. cucci338

    cucci338 Guest

    The drop pods would remind me a little too much of the Warhammer 40000 space marines. But if you're looking for mobility maybe the bunkers could be linked underground (kinda like the Nydus Worm) by buying upgrades or something like that.
  5. DKutrovsky

    DKutrovsky New Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    I think reapers should be more expendable. As far as remind us of Warhammer, who cares, its a transportation mechanic for humans. You can have that on some other unit, Thor maybe? Battlecruiser(would fit either since they're capital units)
  6. Rex

    Rex New Member

    Jul 14, 2007
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    Well I think they should bring the medic back and keep the Medivac, so reapers can micro and yada yada and heal with Medivacs. Medivacs should cost more with different abilities from the basic medic itself.
  7. Kimera757

    Kimera757 New Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    Just so people know, Stimpacks are no longer early game.
  8. DKutrovsky

    DKutrovsky New Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    whats the tech for them ? rax > academy > factory > stim pack ? or shadow ops?
  9. DeathRot

    DeathRot New Member

    Jun 23, 2007
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    1 more thing u forget marauders can use stim pack too beside the marines
    stimpack is around the mid tier its Research from shadow ops for now only not sure whether its going to bring it forth to early or not let said for now its around the mid tier i doubt by bring medic in early tier without stim pack would be of use? if insist of bringing medic back either they nerf the healing done by the medic to much lesser to prevent abit of op becouse marauders and marine with stim pack is really dam nasty are gonna be a threat to any zerg early with the massive amount of insane fast slow and firepower + healing i not sure about toss i guess can be counter with massive stalkers + abit of zealots for distaction if stim pack is push back to early tier or elsc bring the medic to around tier 2 since stim pack is around tier 2
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2008
  10. DKutrovsky

    DKutrovsky New Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    Even more so, stim pack is a BIG part of the teran infantry, late medics = bad news