i need to add some content to this thread spoilers contain a drawn fat man eating a gals intestines Spoiler
Hi tthere i want to test if i can write with caps - caps ftw H.I. T.H.E.R.E. I. W.A.N.T. T.O. T.E.S.T. C.A.P.S.. lol
there was no fight, apparently like 50% of the heroes died by a tsunami. including nightcrawler HOW THE **** CAN NIGHTCRAWLER NOT TELEPORT?
I thought he could only teleport to places he could see? If so, then teleporting to the rear of a tsunami isn't an option.
it was just a single wave, its called teleporting above the wave, then down again, while of course bringing along the two people next to him, who happened to also be x-men