Alright, so I have seen a few posts now on how to counter muta's with Terran, typically utilizing a mass marine strategy with either seige or thors to counter the lings/banelings. However, I typically play as protoss and I can't seem to find a good strat aganst mass muta's. I start out with repelling early zerglings so I invest a lot in zealots and a couple stalkers, but even when I scout early enough to find the lings, and I try to mass stalkers, they pummel my stalkers. And by the time I get some phoenixes going, they have far too many muta's and take them down. Any thoughts? Mass muta's are THE main reason I lost, as I am learning to counter most other strats. Thanks!
From a starting perspective Stalkers and Phoenix are your best bet against muta's however to help a little some sentries would be good to add as well. Their defense matrix can make a difference in battle. These will be your best two against muta's until you tech up to templars\carriers\archons. Having blink on the stalkers can help as well because in combination with good micro you can keep blinking them out of muta range as you focus fire on specific mutas in the front of their attacking pack. When your micro skills get real good you can blink back the stalkers with the most damage to the back of your attacking pack as well, this helps save a few of them.
So it sounds like blinking is the key with stalkers? That makes sense because I rarely invest the resources into blinking, but I think that is what I will need to do. Anyone else have any other thoughts
Yea I've seen some pros get quite fancy with the blinking technique and focus fire. They will aim all of the stalkers at one unit and the minute they fire he would blink them back out of range and then do it again and again normally only taking a few hits each time but eliminating one of their units in the process. It was quite cool to watch, pure micro skills that is. This works especially well when the other person isn't microing the mutas but just sent out a group to attack. Non-micro mutas will not focus fire on one unit but spread their attack around. Check out some youtubes on the blinking technique and you can probably see what I'm talking about.
You can Micro your Stalkers away from the Mutas all you want, but it's not like I wouldn't send a wave of Speedlings, or even Cracklings (if the game goes on for a long time) with them.
Here it is this was a game with Idra and Drunk Bobby using the blink technique like I was talking about. It isn't against mutas however you can still get the idea. Pretty cool micro skillz he has eh?
i had 10 stalkers and I was raped about bout 25 mutas :/ it was so annoying. I was harassing his base the whole time but he just pumped out mutas. I had +2 attack and +1 armor and blink and they were just annilihating my stalkers. What can I use against mutas?
how far in the game was that? there is just no way he could get 25 mutas that fast without you knowing they were comming... did you scout his mutas? or his spire? when you see something like that you need to focus ALOT on anti-air because well.... you know why xD
Show us the replay. Stalkers and phoenixes are the counter to mutalisks, and if he beat you anyway then you got really outplayed in macromanagement.
making 25 mutas cost 2500 gas, asumming mins are not counting as you have way more of it that means you could make 50 stalkers or 47 with blink. which will destroy mutas so fast with that many stalkers every time they fire they take out 4 mutas (assuming even upgrades) each time he fires 2 of you guys die (ish) and though he can run away you can simply blink and kill another 4/8. basically if you have 10 stalkers and he has 25 mutas ask yourself what have you been spending your gas on. also if you see someone going mutas and you get into their base kill the gas workers first.
i personally see early photon cannons as the best solution to early muta harass if the opponent goes hardcore muta mass just counter mass with lots of cheap anti air like stalkers mass mutas are easily countered with counter mass but the scariest part is when you leave mass mutas unchecked. they later move on to corrupters and broodlords which really brings the hurt. i cant seem to find things efficent enough to kill a brood/corrupter mass only thing that works is mass vikings or mass pheonix which really decimates your flexibility hence your zerg opponent could easily double back to ground
Once you create your very own first batch of Zerglings, I would recommend you to go for an Extractor. Start harvesting some gas with this. Next step would be to upgrade your Zerglings speed. This will speed up your next attack and you would be able to get into enemy base much faster. It also improves efficiency against range targets or opponents such as Marines.
Forget phoenix. They'll never make it in time. Honestly, having 3lot and a stlk on the way is better than having 4lot no matter who you verse. Getting blink early isn't always that good, but when you have enough stlk (say 4), blink becomes SUPERCOOL. Imagine all those things trying to chase your stlk while you blink and them running around those lots. By the time you find out your Zerg opponent isn't really ling rush or roaching; your best bet is mass stalkers with 1/1/1 upgrade and blink. Build 1 cannon next your nexus on each side and 1 cannon on each sides mineral field. A total of 4 cannon will fend off any muta backdooring. Put a few more sentry to work will do you a lot of good in this case.
This thread needs a replay. Anyways, stalkers are great, but I'm surprised no one has mentioned Archons. These badass little guys will rip mutas apart, as well as half the other crap Zerg likes to send in. I would build a pack of these plus some stalkers to support and try to win the ground war.
pending how fast you get rushed with mutas, i like to build stalkers with blink/1 armor, Senturies will make a hugh diffrence if ure oppnent doesnt micro his mutas well, the problems i have with this strat is, youll fend off an attack, try to counter, and he has about 4-5 more mutas waiting.
I generally like the idea of mass phoenix against zerg as they kill both their air attackers(mutas/corruptors/broodlords) but also kill their overlords/overseers effectively and drive them supply blocked or force them to build spore crawlers and hydras. They can also harass pretty effectively with levitate or take on small groups of ground units(like half their number in hydralisks or any amount of drones so long as you don't levitate too much and keep enough active to attack) Edit: Didn't even think about Archons untill after I read a guy's suggestion about them, lol. Yeah, don't make them much personally and I regret forgoing them. Btw do they still have splash dmg or is this new lightning attack not splashy? It deffinitely "feels like" less splashy than broodwar.