what do you prefer; the marvel comis? or the marvel movies? i personally prefer the comics, because of their character depth(even though i have only read three novels, they are very rare in holland), although i really like the movies as well (my favorite was x3, but i havent seen iron man yet)
Hmmm....I withhold my vote. The comics are great, at a base level. However, the massive amounts of retconning, multiple universes, etc, REALLY irk me. On the other hand, Marvel movies are REALLY hit and miss. So.....DC movies.
i think it is strange that most people hate X3, i personally loved how grandschale it was thanks for making this a poll
Yea....DC is better at making movies than Marvel is. Yea...I really disliked X3, whereas X2 was awesome. Best super hero movie ever made though was Batman Begins. Although that will soon be usurped by The Dark Knight
i have no problems with both heroes since they both arent accidentally powered up heroes... theyre just billionaires spending lots of benjamins on insane techno... tony stark is more of the business type while bruce waynes' the detective type so theyre only comparable to the extent of money power gizmo and charisma besides that they have totally different aspects, traits and fighting style... i do prefer magazines for their in depth faq and storyline but i so much prefer the movies coz seing them in action is hell cool hence weve got trilogies for the x-man, spidey and sequels for some also numerous dc movies.... +marvel movies for fun +marvel comics for addiction ^_^
*massive eventual maybe spoilers alert* i just finished seeing the movie and Spoiler in the end when he revealed his identity it reminded me of Spoiler a marvel comic where Spoiler Stark went out with his identity and caused a new weapons race, but this time not in nukes, but in armors Spoiler there is also the possibility of him in an avengers, also known as the ultimates(in the ultimate universe comics), there team contains a various number of people, some of which are: captain america ant-man the hulk Wasp thor giant-man IRON MAN hawkeye quicksilver scarlet witch hercules black panther vision black knight black widow swordsman mantis moondragon beast wonder-man ms. marvel captain britain falcon etc. etc. ofc they wouldnt all be in one movie, eh? nice pic of avengers by teh way: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/22/Avengers.gif
Well, yeah, at the end Spoiler Nick Fury, leader of SHIELD visits him and talks to him about SHIELD and The Avengers, so it's totally going on in a few years