Marines&medics vs terran and protoss?

Discussion in 'Terran' started by DKutrovsky, Oct 6, 2007.

Marines&medics vs terran and protoss?

Discussion in 'Terran' started by DKutrovsky, Oct 6, 2007.

  1. DKutrovsky

    DKutrovsky New Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    Considering they were near useless in sc1, how much do you think we'll see them vs ran and toss in sc2?

    I mean i've tried marines and medics and firebats + tanks vs protoss vs noobs and i've lost, than going factories and i KILL soooo much more, ter vs ter its even more, there's absolutely no use in marines vs terran.

    So considering its not a good idea in sc1, how do you think it will turn out?

    I know there's a topic on this already, but if marines are not a good idea, how good would vikings do early on vs zealots and stalkers?
  2. Quanta

    Quanta New Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    first, marines and medics were tier one and early tier two units, if you win with those you have to do it quickly before the enemy advances to far in tech. Also, they were excellent at keeping the terran player alive through tier one so that they could get to tier two and beyond. My point is, marines, medics, and bats were far from worthless.

    Secondly, marines seem to be slightly upgraded in SC2 with the ability to research shields and, if it stays in, bayonets. This should help them remain useful further into tier 2.
  3. DKutrovsky

    DKutrovsky New Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    See im not talking about the first 5 min of the game im talking as the game progresses.

    Like vs zerg, there's no way you can survive without marines and medics, and vs terran there's no way you can live without tanks.

    Vs Protoss, there's no way you could win without vultures.

    So without vultures vs protoss its going to be very, very hard, and marines didnt cut it mid game, so whats going to replace the vulture vs protoss ? Vikings? No, they are goliaths, cobras? No they are KINDA like vultures.

    Marines vs terran? Tier 1,2,3 or any tier, marines vs terran dont work
  4. BnechbReaker

    BnechbReaker New Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    judging by your comments you much be a pretty good player ;)

    yeah... high level match ups are boring... the same strat is used all the time, any deviation would result in a loss. infantry against t or p is simply suicide in high level matches, the reason being seige tank, vulture, reaver and ht. all of them pwn infantry so bad even medics couldn't help
  5. DKutrovsky

    DKutrovsky New Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    Now we have banshees,colossus who dont make it any easier either.

    I wouldnt say high lvl match ups were boring, its the same strat for the most part, but there are always a lot of deviations,who will make better use of science vessels for EMP vs toss, or use defensive matrix on initial units to deploy tanks and so on and so forth, irradiate his templars, who'll manage making expands and defending them while taking down your opponents base.

    Then you had the who has the balls to go air, and who scouts well enough to start making units to counter before its too late.

    But still, i dont see marines in tvp and tvt...sadly thats something we might have to accept.

    My fav match up is tvz, cuz i can pump in marines and pump them up with stim packs to blast away..good times