I was looking through some of those crazy korean FPVOD's and since I just returned to the game and never really played it online before, I'm just wondering what are the most used maps in these tournaments? And are they in the game by default or do I have to download them from somewhere? (If so, where? ) Thanks in advance Thraviel
I believe that there were a few new maps that have been added into the professional gaming league's arsenal, but here is a general listing of them. Check the listing at SCL's Professional Gaming Maps and enjoy!
Thanks for the replies! Now I just gotta figure out how this whole online thing works, it looked quite ugly when I went there this morning to check it out, but I guess you get used to that Tried joining a few games, but havn't played a single one yet, and I only dare to join those "noob only" games since I doubt my online skills will be any good ... Lot's of weird map names I decided to avoid and especially BGH which I heard is nothing about how well you play, rather how much you can block the opponent out of your base for ever.. Anyway, I'll give it a few more shots, otherwise I guess I will just wait for SC2 Once again, thanks for the help. Thraviel
Do not bother joining "Noob Only" games, those are newbie bashers who host them. Try looking for people on the forums to play with by clicking on this link here. You should be able to find some fellow forumers online. On another note, Big Game Hunters is actually a nice map, you can play a lot of great games on it. No problem! 8)
I made a post in there, but it seems it will be without luck since most are from the US and I'm from Europe Anyway, you never know, besides I can always give it a try playing with them, it might not be that bad.
What worked very well for me, as a returning player who didn't play online either, is just start your own games. Lost Temple is a popular map, so I just create a game with that map and name it "1 vs 1 LT noob" and close the 3rd and 4th slot. Usually another player joins within seconds. It is true however that most of the time non noobs join and I lose a lot, but that's not a big problem. I'm not playing for ranking but to regain skills and by losing from a good player I learn a lot more than when I win from a bad player. I usually watch the replay when I lost and try my opponents tactics in next games.
contrary to what imagine said, i find lots of noobs only games to actually be pretty honest wel compared to most other online games anyways. and google the maps or download the wgtour mappack and try playing luna. it's a much better version of LT except no island expos and avoid blizzard's (8)the hunters. that map is imba. play the korean's hunters-kpga or hunters-gamei on a sidenote: FASTEST MAP POSSIBLE FTW! ^_^
I actually have friends, really good players, that will join noob games knowing that there are noob bashers in there: sometimes it's the best way to find good players on non-money maps. Tagging along with them, I've played a few games on "noobs only!" that had no noobs at all! If you want to find players that play non-money maps, there are often a few people in op Arcology, where I anchor myself, that can help you with that. They play Blizzard maps as well as new and old tourney maps. They don't like random people showing up and being annoying, so if anyone asks, say you're a friend of 10-Neon.
Thanks for those replies, I'll try that out soon, and I guess losing to a good player ain't that bad for my own experience, I was just thinking it would be smart to play some pretty even matches in the start. Perhaps I'll be seing you guys around then