Does anyone besides me play Maplestory? Well... I can't really say I play it anymore, I gave it up for WoW . But, If anyone plays it, it would be fun to discuss it! :O
I have heard about it lots but never played it. Is it any good? I don't have time to waste on MMORPG's though, too mcuh time!!
It's OK, there are lots of hackers though, they disrupt your training a lot . You can download it and make an account at .
i would play d2 exp enstead of maplestory cause its like 25 bucks now for the battlechest enstead of wasteing hours and hours of my life trying to get one lvl in maplestory plus there is like hackers everywhere in maplestory
hey guys. maple's not such a bad game. (save for all the stupid hackers and botters) anyway, you guys should just try it, cos i play it for the chat engine, you get to know lots of people online from there. and yeah, you take pretty long to level up, but that's only at higher levels. from level 1-20, it's pretty easy. take care you don't screw up your account with the wrong stats though. if you guys ever want guides as to how to train and level up properly so as to enjoy it, you can try, that's the site i go to for tips. but lots of people don't really like it cos it's getting boring. (plus WOW's MUCH better. although you have to pay. i play on the gorganash and ju'beithos servers, a lvl 17 human pally and a lvl 8 tauren druid respectively. noob right?) anyway, who'll be playing such online games when STARCRAFT 2 COMES OUT?!?!?! hahahaha
Ex MS player. Lvl 120 Dragon Knight, gave to a friend of mine. :-\ Ever since then, I stopped playing MMORPGs. :-\ I heard that 4th jobs are going out right?
yeah, fourth jobs are coming out. but still long time to go. both for the makers and for me, i'm just a 37 page. lol
So you are still playing? Page requires hell lot of patient. If you can make it to the 3rd job, then it will surely pay off. I gave up my dragon knight is because it is one of the most expensive character to raise ! Additionally, at that point ( Lvl 120), you will need to rely on 2X experience card to level up effectively, so I decided to quit coz I don't wanna waste my money
Be patient Try to get to the golems asap and team up with some pros there, you should not have hard time getting to third job