So I'm watching the MLG Dallas stream ( and the most recent game was on testbug and while I'm not a fan of 3-player maps, the details are mindblowing. Not only because of the doodads but the 3 parts have a different theme. And I was just wondering if the inclusion of this map in SC2 could pave the way for future maps with similar variety in them. It would break the monotonous appearance of current maps without breaking balance as they'd still be mirrored, and I'm not even suggesting to have as many themes in a map as spawn locations, just more than 1. Does anyone else meh about the current bland maps and find testbug something as a possible (and favourable) pioneer?
I do, kuv. I love the new maps and like the testbug variation. Hopefully the map pool will improve a lot in the future... Btw, try out the archi maps on custom games, they're also pretty cool(There's a post on the maps forum I think)