[Map] Planet18 1v10 Survival/Defense

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Maps, Replays, Modding' started by Fruityman, Aug 12, 2010.

[Map] Planet18 1v10 Survival/Defense

  1. Fruityman

    Fruityman Guest

    Since I have no idea how i could get my map into the public so i can actually play it i though i would post what i have got here so far. Heres the description and the link to DL it from the sites its hosted on.

    Remake of Vampirism/Island defense on WC3


    BETA1 v2.15

    For it to properly work either set the game mode to Melee/FFA or Custom for the triggers to kick in right. Setting it to melee/FFA will NOT make it a melee FFA, it just allows the triggers to function correctly. Do not use TD/Survival in the game-mode for it is broken atm.

    My map is a map/game-type designed from Island Defense from WC3. It involves a 1vs10 scenario.
    The two teams are the Builders/Supporters and the Beast. The "Beasts" objective is to kill the builders in any fashion he can do so; likewise the builder/supporter's job is to kill the Beast. The beast is very powerful and is too much of a threat for the builders/Supporters to face early-game.
    The main objective of the builders and supporters are to build a Defensive base with turrets and barriers; then as the game goes on transfer workers to assault units.

    General game-play rules via triggers
    -Builder dies, Builder player loses
    -Players can only have 1 builder or initial Beast
    -If Beast Dies, Builders win

    The game transfers into 3 main parts

    -=Early Game=-
    Getting enough minerals to start building a base (Walling off the low-ground and ramp with barriers/supply depots, then to start putting Turrets in on high-ground)

    -=Mid Game=-
    Start fortifying the base with more towers and walls to hold vs an attack.
    Start to transition from workers to offensive units.(kill your workers overtime)
    Or save up for the Survival Gas timer award, then build stronger offensive units immediately when timer hits.

    -=Late Game=-
    After the Survival Gas timer, you may have the Beast at the disadvantage and may be able to kill him with the help of allies with combined unit forces.
    You may also use your forces to ambush him while he is attacking a base. (specters are the master ambushers)
    If the beast has become too strong and you are almost out of allies (or are), you may be trapped in your base and may need to revert back to workers to
    maintain enough minerals to rebuild after his attacks.

    The Beast is a hero unit that levels over time and gains power. be aware that each level he gains, gives him a larger advantage. The only things he can level from are actual units however (not structures); so it is important not to let him kill your workers or armies. The beast has 6 Lvls he can achieve, the first 5 are standard; but when he hits lvl 6, his health armor bonus multiplies by 20 making him nearly indestructible. This beta version only includes 1 Beast the player can choose (Centicus), in later versions more will be added; as well as the ability to gain minions.

    known issues
    -It may be unbalanced in some ways. (this will be fixed when i can see how the game plays with people)
    -(ill post more as i figure out more)

    MSG me if you want to test it or just start a game up, #809
    Also post your thoughts, complaints, bugs, and exploits.
  2. Regi

    Regi New Member

    Aug 15, 2010
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    I'm seriously debating (in my head) getting this game JUST to try this map. Vampirism was my favorite from Warcraft III, so I'm really hoping this will be as good.

    However, I've heard some really bad complaints about getting players into games when creating custom maps on Starcraft II. Something about publishing the game and only the most popular games actually get played. I'm not sure if I want to fork out the money to be ****ed over and not have any good games to play online.
  3. EatMeReturns

    EatMeReturns Happy Mapper Moderator

    Jun 28, 2007
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    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    It's true. Only the most popular maps are regularly visible to players. It takes about 30 seconds to get to the least-popular hosted map. Complete bull****, imo.
  4. Regi

    Regi New Member

    Aug 15, 2010
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    Yeah, so I got the game. Downloaded the map and going to try and publish / create a game now. Lets hope someone joins.