I have this idea for a map to make for SC2, it's pretty simple: Several squares of land arranged in a checkerboard pattern, but have a small gap in between each square. 4 players who start at corners with a spawn point for units and a base. Bring x number of units to a square in order to take control of it. Type of units are those such as Reapers, Stalkers or any other unit which can jump over the gaps separating each square. To win either: take over all zones, or kill off other players' bases. This is just a basic idea. There could be other stuff like: A big square in the center which gives you a bonus if you control it. Upgrades (probably limitless) A shop where you could buy heroes with minerals earned from killing opponents. Pretty basic know. Any thoughts, comments, criticisms ?
Not even sure of yet that square terrain can be done on Starcraft II Editor. A lot of people are remaking old maps from starcraft and putting them on starcraft II, like Zone Control, Aeon of Strife, Special Forces and so on. Not much info has been told to us about what features are going to be in editor and whats not. So may need to wait awhile before even thinking about some ideas for sc2 maps. But your idea was pretty nice =) I hope it can be made on sc2.
I like that idea but the squares have to be really small and it should be a wait time before able to move again when you have captured a square, nice idea anyway :good:
I don't think reapers and other units that use the new IK system or whatever it's called can travel through gaps, only cliffs, which are not proper gaps. And taking control of every square would be impossible, so you'd need to specify a percentage instead. I don't really like these kinds of UMS maps but I like chess, so nice idea ;D
Well i have to agree on that but as you used to say The one waiting for something good never waits to long
Yeah, good points all. I'll definitely be working out the kinks and fooling around with it once i get my hands on the new editor. hope it turns out alright, i'll probably post it on the forum when it's done for editing.
nice idea! maybe having SOME squares connected to each other with paths, so that you can use more powerful units, but they wouldn't be able to get to every square.
why just have high grounds to be 'bright squares' and low grounds to be 'dark squares' have noticed that low grounds is often much more darker then the higher grounds
Not really... the hardest part is doing a good terrain for this kind of game.. really.. beside that.. it's a piece of cake. I find the idea itself not bad at all.. however, it's nothing new.. and I guess you could start by making a Starcraft 1 version of it.
how would that work in sc1 though? ...nydus canals? beacons for teleporting? all squares are connected? air units?
If I was going to do something like this for Starcraft 1, depending on room which was taken could be like a tech room. Since you already control one room and have a base. Could build basic things like Command Center (unless only allowed one) Barracks, Depot and bunker. Lets say room next to it is, Academy this would give you Academy Tech to make firebats and stuff. Just have a small box or line that allows you to create this building and give you the tech. So if a player takes over room you can just remove the tech and create it for another player. I don't know this just a random suggestion for it.
Some what is lichking, but more like king of hill with mix of zone control. Since need to bring X amount of men to a location and keep control of it. =/
I think the hardest thing would be making the same spaces in between the squares that reapers, colossus... may cross them. My 500th post! YAY!!!
hmm... i like the tech idea, but instead just have like a certain crystal there that says "academy" on it, and controlling that room gives you the crystal which gives you the academy in an out-of-playing-area place where you can upgrade/mass?/etc.
So basically you mean your idea is Zone Control, which has been around for ages. Difference being with the Starcraft II engine with blinking/jumping you can add a moat for hopping squares.