He was vicious and a killer though a youth of twenty four and the notches on his pistol numbered one an nineteen more. One and nineteen more...
Now the stranger started talking made it plain to folks around, was an Arizona ranger wouldn't be too long in town. He came here to take an outlaw back alive or maybe dead and he said it didn't matter that he was after Texas red. After Texas red.
No no, definitely more of an AAAAAAAAAAAA. Very hard, stumbling across a few Deathclaws with low ammo in the middle of the night. I survived, but only because Boone is a Grade A badass mofo.
Of course. High survival with the Wild Wastes perk makes it a bit too easy. Sunset Sasprilla heals a ridiculous amount at 70+, and you get so many of them. Drink five and they stack. I think on my run, I'm going to do a stealth/melee char with 25 max survival with no companions. Especially Boone. Never ever give that man an Anti-Material rifle. He one shots almost anything with Inc rounds.
Any kind of one shotting methods in any game, make it hella boring very fast. Except for Mario jumping on **** to kill it, but that's an exception.
It's like... Boone has a special mission in the wasteland. If something has a head, it's Boone's goal in life for it not to have a head.