Make Your Voice Heard with the StarCraft 2 Polls!

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by MeisterX, Oct 23, 2008.

Make Your Voice Heard with the StarCraft 2 Polls!

  1. MeisterX

    MeisterX Hyperion

    Jul 23, 2007
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    November is approaching quickly and it's important to make sure your vote counts! Which is why you should vote in the StarCraft 2 polls that Blizzard has recently posted on No, they won't decide the leader of the free world but perhaps they should. These poll results will go directly to the developers unfiltered and uncut. So no matter how you plan to vote in the Presidential election (or whether you can or not) make sure to exercise your right as a StarCraft Citizen! And just like a knowledgeable political newspaper, we'll give you our opinion as to how we think you shoudl vote.

    Poll 1: Protoss Warp-In

    (Warp-In is a fun mechanic, we like it and so should you! If you can see yourself using microed in units and adding single units to the battle, by all means vote for it!)

    Poll 2: Medivac Dropship

    (While the Medivac is, umm... Okay. We don't think it's all that awesome. Vote No!)

    Poll 3: Nydus Worm

    (This one is your call. While a nice mechanic it doesn't have the strength that the Zerg really need. It could survive but it needs changes. You decide!)
    Discuss this article in the Forum!
  2. demohunto

    demohunto New Member

    Nov 24, 2007
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    Cool went to it and voted, but yah I really don't like the medivac dropship. It just doesn't feel right that terran have a beam of light that heals marines. That belongs in Warcraft not terran in Starcraft.
  3. ArchaicDrago

    ArchaicDrago Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    beams of light should belong to the protoss race. not terrans
  4. Hodl pu

    Hodl pu New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    YES, NO, YES

    those were my votes.
  5. MeisterX

    MeisterX Hyperion

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Voting the party line there pu? ;)
  6. Kaaraa

    Kaaraa Space Junkie

    Sep 19, 2007
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    Bah, not going to bother making an account I won't use after these three votes.

    Warp in: Love it! With the high build times Protoss have, it's a great way to quickly reinforce troops on the battlefield or respond to attacks, and is a great way to differentiate the Protoss from Terran and Zerg. Only complaint here is to change the name back to the Phase Prism. Honestly, it seems like Blizzard is having too much fun with the random name changes.

    Medivac: Dislike, but will use it. I miss the Medic as much as everyone else, but depending on the tier the Marauder is at, putting the Medic back in could make the Terran ground forces horribly overpowered. An army that can be healed I can deal with, but an army that slows my units to a crawl while they stand there, damn nigh invincible? no thanks.

    Nydus Worm: Strongly dislike. What the hell happened to the Nydus Worm being a unit? At least then it was a creative way to replace Overlord transport, since they could move/deploy anywhere. And now? a spell used by the retard spawn that is the Overseer. The least they could do is give the Overseer some spells that actually make sence for the unit.
  7. UziSuicide

    UziSuicide New Member

    Aug 11, 2008
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    I agree with Kaaraa for the most part.

    1 thing though; I don't think the medivak dropship is a bad idea.. I don't know, maybe I just haven't soaked up enough complaints or reasons why it isn't that good of an idea. I tend to agree that it beaming down healing light may be a little too protoss'ish, but dropships seem rather important for terran transportation, now more than ever maybe, and being able to stick around after droppin troops to heal any infantry units you brought along is pretty cool I think. It also makes using terran infantry units even more important and functional. That way you don't necessarily have to send your dropships back to your base (or just to ssomewhere safe); instead they become useful, especially if you're not yet ready to pickup more units for your next drop... Might tend to make it more practical to be microing your mechanical units while your infantry lay down the primary fire, all while being healed by THOSE DARN USEFUL AFTERALL MEDIVAC DROPSHIPS!!!

    Does it have any other abilities, like the medic use to have?

    I don't know, I'm thinkin' it might just be an excellent tool after all.
  8. BloodHawk

    BloodHawk Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    You have a lot of audacity to name this topic "Make Your Voice Heard with the StarCraft 2 Polls! " when you are telling people how they should vote on 2 of the issues. I'm not saying don't campaign for YOUR voice. If you wanna do that ,I expect more than one line arguments consisting mostly of we do/we don't like it.
  9. demohunto

    demohunto New Member

    Nov 24, 2007
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    I don't know what Blizzard is going to do for the healing animation of the medivac dropship. The beam is too protosshy >.<., but I do agree with you on some parts Uzi. You could still keep the drop ships in the battlefield for healing but thats just it I don't want that to happen. I still need would want more drop ships to come in for like a siege drop. The regular medics would still be there healing the marines while with the medivac drop ship being there the drop ship owuld have to go back to the base, pick up the units they want, Drop them off, THEN heal. Instead of just having the medics there to heal the marines the whole time.

    P.S. Nydus worm and Warp-in kick AOSH!!!!
  10. UziSuicide

    UziSuicide New Member

    Aug 11, 2008
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    And yeah, if overlords/overseers don't have the drop upgrade anymore (I'm not sure if they do currently or not), I believe that it would ultimately be the best idea for the nydus worm to be much easier to get and use. Whether that means making it a unit, or more of a building like the nydus canal was, I kinda feel it should practically be used in the fashion blizzard first depicted it; multiple worms comin out of bare ground even without creep. Although Blizzard's working toward making the creep more important for the zerg, in general, look at it like this. This could be the Zerg's key evolution stretch to have this new nydus worm that functions as a nydus canal, with the ability to surface on any solid terrain, with or without creep.

    We just gotta figure out the best way for it to travel; whether or not it can be seen or killed while traveling, whether it would work best as a unit type or building, and then of course, balance it's hp and speed and we're good!

    to possibly have been one of the Zerg's primary transportation improvement
  11. UziSuicide

    UziSuicide New Member

    Aug 11, 2008
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    I get you demohunto. That's what I'm sayin tho, in some cases you may not be ready to go back to your base and grab more units, if you are, build more dropships! :) That way you can have a few on the front lines, healing (your stimmed rines and MAURAUDERS! don't act like you won't be LOVING using those!), with that many (dropships) or more traveling back and forth to grab reinforcements... dude, I truly realized for myself what an improvement this is over the medic.

    I also understand the hesitation toward change, from an already enjoyed unit.... remember tho, with SC2 comes the future, beyond BW, things have evolved.
  12. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Haha, 'Make your voice heard'. I only wish my voice didn't count for less that 0.01% of votes. :p

    I voted Strongly Like for Warp In, Strongly Dislike for Medivac, and Dislike but will still use for the Nydus Wyrm.

    It'd be a shame to see Warp In removed or altered, especially considering that it'd make the Warp Prism's Psionic Matrix generator useless, but for the other obvious reasons as well.

    I don't really mind the Medivac at the moment, but I strongly disagree with their reasoning to introduce it in the first place. My honest opinion would probably be that I dislike it but would still use it, but strongly disliking it has a far greater impact.

    For the Nydus Wyrm, they didn't really have an option that suited. I don't really like its restrictions at the moment, nor to I like its lop-sided model, so I just put dislike but will still use.
  13. MeisterX

    MeisterX Hyperion

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Well... it's just like a newspaper in an election. I was simply offering our general opinion on the issues. If you don't want to take the advice, that's fine. That's just how we suggest you vote. We're not telling you what to do with your vote.

    If you want more in-depth opinions please read my BlizzCon 2008 Review.
  14. Quanta

    Quanta New Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    Quick thoughts: Warp in is great as always and while I like the Nydus wurm I think it needs a bit of work.

    As for the Medivac dropship, well, I've never liked it and still don't like it. I think the mechanic works fairly well but that's not really the problem. I just don't like having transport units act as healers. If they don't want to have a ground unit, either infantry or mech, as a healing support caster that's fine. It realy doesn't make much sense to stick the job with the dropship though. I'd be happier with the nighthawk having the ability but really i'd rather see it given to something on the ground. I'd prefer to see the task of healing given to a building than to a flying unit.

    I think I'd like most to have the medic back in some form but if that isn't an option then I'd settle for an upgrade for supply depots or bunkers to allow them to infantry. The terran wouldn't be able to use healers very effectively on offense doing this but since terran infantry seems quite a lot stronger in SC2 than in SCBW perhaps that sort of handycap wouldn't be a bad thing.
  15. darkone

    darkone Moderator

    Jun 29, 2007
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    If bunkers automaticly healed units, then terran turtling would be uncrackable.

    Warp in...awesome.

    Nydus is good too, no real wait time before you units can come in and save the day, or ruin it.
  16. BloodHawk

    BloodHawk Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    My apologizes for missing the word "opinion" in your first post.

    The phrase "This one is your call" really struck me as you saying we should just listen to you blindly on the other 2.

    I do respect your opinions based on the fact that you have experience with the game. However, I have read that topic before and you don't say anything that in depth or at all about whats up for vote. I've read your Blizzcon Q&A topic numerous times and it sticks like a knife in my skull that you have said you dropped the ball on some units. You didn't get a chance to use all the abilities. Which is fair, you're only human., but if your going to suggest to people how they should vote....seems pretty weak.

    I ask for a more in depth synopsis why you support those votes. As I would want to know exactly why a newspaper endorses one candidate over the other. Just because a person is a patron does not mean they should be a sheep.

    Again, I apologize if my original reply seemed overly aggressive. I'm the kind of liberal douche-bag (I think it looks funnier with a hyphen) that believes in full honest/unadulterated debate on the issues. You leave little to make argument over your points other than you don't really make too much of a point. Which gets everyone nowhere.
  17. MeisterX

    MeisterX Hyperion

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Meh... truthfully? I'm basing most of my opinions about StarCraft 2 based on the WWI build, not the BlizzCon build. Because from my conversations with Karune it sounds like the newer builds (after BlizzCon) have shifted more toward WWI.

    So I would expect more of the WWI build's direction than BlizzCon's. So despite the fact that I "missed" some units and abilities, that's not that big of a deal. I mean how am I supposed to cover every unit and every ability every time? If my play time was unlimited like it was at WWI (and it was limited at BlizzCon) then maybe you could expect that of me.

    As far as further substantiating my opinions, I think I did make a pretty clear case in other posts, especially my review. But ask and ye shall receive...

    Protoss Warp-In - I've talked on this topic repeatedly. The mechanic is great for players who are attentive enough to use it. I would say mid-level players will benefit most from this mechanic as it basically allows you to "loan" units anywhere on the battlefield in just a couple seconds with very little effort. However, it could actually become a weakness for a player who commits mistakes and lets those units die while warping in. So my answer here is that while it needs some tweaking this mechanic is great for SC2 and great for gameplay. That's why I support it.

    The Medivac - Another topic that I feel I've covered extensively on the forums. I think the Dropship is necessary, yes, but I still feel that the Medivac Dropship will eventually overshadow the Reaper. It allows you to transport Marines just as easily (and for less tech cost) than Reapers. You can build far more Marines far quicker than you can produce Reapers. I think as the game progresses (and players get a chance to play long-term) it's really going to take away from the Reaper. I would rather the Medic be removed entirely or it be returned to its former state. Perhaps the Dropship could gain a mechanic to repair mechanical units when loaded. That's why I oppose this unit/mechanic. Now, of course, I could be absolutely and totally wrong about how this unit will affect the game. It's just my opinion.

    The Nydus Worm - While I've heard many complaints about my review of the Nydus Worm (users say it's overpowered, not underpowered), I strongly disagree with my critics on this one. As it stands the Nydus Worm is easy to operate and easy to lay. However, it's also easy to counter for a player who readily scouts. 1-2 Siege Tanks can easily thwart any attempt to plant the Worms and the Thor will absolutely destroy any Overseers in the area. However, I do think the mechanic should remain, just changed. I think it should return to a "unit" that is invisible while standing still and can be seen while it is moving. I also think the Overlord/Overseer should regain transport abilities. So I'm undecided on this one, but I think it needs major changes.
  18. Hodl pu

    Hodl pu New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    what no way, pure coincidence ;)

    but really, I just don't like the medivac.
  19. BloodHawk

    BloodHawk Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    That makes a huge difference.

    Like I said, physically, no I wouldn't expect that of you or any other person attending Blizz Con. But then I wouldn't expect you to make such strong cases based on your experience.
    If only there had been a team of you you could compare notes with? :eek:
    Again, knowing that what you gathered from Karune we will be seeing a build you had unlimited time with does make a huge difference.

    Seriously, you don't cover this stuff in the review you pointed me to. I reread it, honest. With the one exception of the nydus worm, it's just not there.
    Hell, you actually contradict your vote on the medivac in the Terran wrap up; "With the exception of a few units like the Thor and the Viking every unit has found its niche." Aside from the very vague statement: "I still think there are issues to work out in the air but overall the race is very cohesive and powerful.".
    Sir, if you feel like digging up these other posts, I will eat my half of my hat. Only half of it because you did direct me to an irrelevant article first. BTW, I don't mean to bash the review as a whole; I thoroughly enjoyed it. Twice even.

    You bring to light the weakness of warp-in I've been looking for. I always found it some what hard to imagine a player picking such a bad spot that they loose what they are warping in (AKA OP). Like how you don't start producing a zealot at a gateway that is being hammered. But if you have seen it, I believe you. Thus, now I agree with you on your vote.

    Isn't it the transportation not the healing that over shadows the reaper? Even when you combine the two it seems to me such a unit only makes the reaper more flexible. You'd still like to heal your reapers wouldn't you? Unless you give the original medic a jetpack you need that healer to be an air unit. Better yet an air unit that can bring a distraction of cheap marines or tanks while your reapers throw some D8s at their static D/ defending troops/ min line/ etc. To add to my disagreement with a vote for no, you see promise in the unit. I fear seeing this unit get cut just because it needs a few tweaks.

    Then again odd of Blizzard to be making these decisions off of 100% yes or 100% no poll options. A publicity stunt to get more people to join the bnet forums? That doesn't sound much like them either. Thoughts anyone?

    I agree with you 100% there. Do you think the change was made due to issues of how it would work on space platform maps?

    I did my best not to over quote.
    I appreciate you taking the time to put up with me.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2008
  20. Lombar

    Lombar New Member

    Jul 6, 2007
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    I was surprised John told me how to vote :eek:
    I was gonna vote the same way anyways D:

    Toss, awesome
    Terran, Dislike but will still use it
    Zerg, Kinda like