Make SCII MacBook compatible

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by ice_cream_addict, Jul 31, 2008.

Make SCII MacBook compatible

  1. ice_cream_addict

    ice_cream_addict New Member

    Jul 31, 2008
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    Hello Everyone on the forums (and hopefully a few SCII developers as well)

    If devs are listening, I hope you are working to make SCII run on systems without a dedicated graphics chip. If not, I strongly encourage the current SCII development team to make the Mac version compatible with regular MacBooks, the ones that don't include a dedicated graphics card. This game means a lot to me and I would be VERY disappointed should the game not run on my system due to that simple handicap.

    If you are not a dev, please encourage the devs via any means possible to make sure they do not leave the MacBook crowd out! I'm pretty sure they won't leave the macbook crowd out, but I can see how they would. Please help me make sure that does not happen. Viva MacBook!
  2. Shadow[E]

    Shadow[E] Moderator

    May 22, 2008
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    I honeslty believe, that the MAC, as good as the OS is, cannot support a high end game. Reason being is this. GRAPHICS CARD. Several MacBooks and even there desktops lack the best vid card due to there faulty design in hardware, they cram so much, that they cannot put something that is a powerhorse into it. G4's are probably the ONLY computer, that would probably be able to play with low settings. No macbook will even make the cut. IMac's please, dont make me laugh.

    processing power is also a big one, if the processor doesnt meet the mim's, then forget it. Unless you have a tower, that can be upgraded with RAM/Video Card with an Intel Core Duo, then you $hit outta luck buddy, as sucky as it is.

    Also not to mention that due to macbooks low powered CPU's, you can already tell yourself No, Macbooks will never be able to run a high end game (At this point) due to processing power and graphics. Not only that, even with Windows installed through BootCamp or VMWAre or w/e, it will not work as good as you want it. SInce Macbooks are starting to get into more of CAD and graphical apps, it will lack the things it needs to run 3d, run shaders, run FPS all at the same time.

    Sorry Mate, better get a desktop atleast for the game, IMO. So far, i just heard rumors that it's specs, you will need atleast a Core 2 Duo, 1 GB of RAM,and a DX10 graphic card.
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2008
  3. matt1187

    matt1187 Guest

    The OP's Macbook probably won't run SC2 (along with all other laptops with IGP's), but the rest of your post is filled with nonsense. Mac hardware isn't "faulty," most of the parts are the same as what you'd find in a Windows machine. I'm not sure why you think the G4, a (unsupported) platform from 2 generations ago, will run SC2 better than the current Core 2 Duo offerings. Even the cheapest Imac with a HD2400XT and a 2.4Ghz C2D will run SC2 at low- medium settings. With the optional 2600XT or 8800GS, they'll most likely run on high settings. And Macbook Pro's will run SC2 well, not sure why you think no Macbooks at all will run it.

    Macbooks have plenty of processor power, it's the integrated graphics processor that's the problem. Even the slowest, oldest Intel Macbook had at least a 1.6 Core Duo. Probably no IGP laptops will run SC2, PC or Mac.

    By the way, Bootcamp doesn't automatically install a workstation driver on your Mac, it generally has good drivers. And even if it did use workstation drivers, that wouldn't be a problem. My 2-year old Macbook Pro runs a CAD workstation driver (FireGL 5200) and it runs UT3 fine.

    To the original poster: Starcraft 2 probably won't work on a Macbook. However, if they do decide to code the game for the Intel GMA, it'll probably run on low settings/res.
  4. kuvasz

    kuvasz Corrections Officer

    Jul 26, 2007
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    Don't trust that rumour. It was officially confirmed that SC2 will run on a DX9 GPU.
  5. What is this MacBook you speak of?
  6. the8thark

    the8thark New Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    Well you should be ok. I think. As the latest macbooks have the X3000 series of integrated chips. The 900 series in the older macbooks will be no good. Well the game spore plays on the X3000 series supposedly. Well the box says it can (saying you need x3000 series or better). I dunno how well though.

    And secondly there is a rumour that new macbooks will be released soon. With better graphics I'm sure. That probably won't help you as you probably want to keep the macbook you have now. I think this is a question that Blizzard need to be aware of. Because if they know it won't be macbook compatible they should let us know as soon as possible. Because I know many mac users who want to upgrade their machine but to one what will run SC2 properly.

    Good luck and I hope for your sake your macbook is SC2 ok.
  7. visom

    visom New Member

    Sep 17, 2008
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    Asking Blizzard to make SC2 to run on a Mac with no integrated chipset is like trying to get Crysis to run on an 128MB video just won't work no matter how low you set the settings.