In a stunning new discovery, archeologists have found a personal logbook in a hidden room inside the pyramid of Delhi. In this same room was found the much sought after skeleton of the great conquerer Mahatma Ghandi, former emperor of India. What follows are the last four entries in the book Year 1947 The american revolutionary alliance has provided my armies with a fair challenge, but no longer will they thwart us. My tanks are rolling down the streets of washington and my artillery is bringing down the walls of the persian colonists as I write this down. Montezuma and Pacal are due for execution tomorrow; it will be a glorious day for the indian empire. Year 1948 Disaster has struck! The persians have destroyed bombay and it's fleet. We lost over 40% of our fighters, 30% of our bombers and half our naval capabilities. Even worse, I no longer have an attack base in canada, and Tokugawa has already started colonizing the now-undefended northern wastelands. I bet Lincoln is grinning, wherever his current palace may be. Year 1949 Genghis Khan tried to betray me! He abused our open borders to found a dozen bases in my territory in the past year so he could airdrop in massive amounts of infantry. I bet he and his pile of ashes regret it now, as I have had to activate the omega contingency. Mongolia, eastern china and southern russia are now a nuclear wasteland and my tanks struck at his little outposts. Year 1950 The united front, americans, japanese, egyptian, russian, english and germans have called me before the UN council today for my use of nuclear weaponry today. They will try to stop me, because they are too weak to do what I did. They are afraid of my power, power beyond any of their reaches, as me and chieftain sitting bull, my vassal, control the only sources of uranium in the world. LET THEM NOT FORGET THAT MAHATMA GHANDI'S WORDS ARE BACKED BY NUCLEAR WEAPONRY! IJffdrie: On an unrelated note, I am thoroughly enjoying civilization III
I own both civ 4 and civ 3 (my pc would explode trying 5), and they both have their strong and weak points. I miss city view and the palace enhancements from 3. The specialists in 3 are more easy to use. On the other hand, 4 has got significantly more civ options.
actually, I like the looks of 3 more. Replacing city view with crummy mini-3d figures was a bad idea if you ask me.
I don't get this.. I thought Ghandi was peaceful..that sounds very...threatening. Can someone explain this please?
In civilization one of the nations that could be randomly selected for enemies was India, led by mahatma gandhi. The phrases of diplomatic leaders were however randomly generated, so there was quite a chance of Gandhi threatening the player with nuclear weapons. This is a short story I wrote based on in-game ghandi.
In that case, I mentioned Montezuma and Pacal. The second one is pretty unknown, but you must have recognized the thousands of years ago-ness of the first one.
Seriously.. Wasn't reading very hard. >_> I didn't. Just kinda skimmed it to figure out what was up.