Hey all, I just wanted to share with all of the new zerg players some of the higher tier level strategies nowadays. The clasic open build: 9 Ov 15 Pool 14 Gas 16 Hatch 16 Ov From there you go 2 queens, and start speedlings research. Now, scout will bring you really important information. If you see the opponent trying a rush, you'll need to plant some pokers on your natural to defend and get some lings. Otherwise drop a roach warden and mass drones. Start upgrading ground defense and melee attack. Whenever possible go lair and research roach speed and get around 9 - 15. Go quickly for your 3rd expo while you drop your infestation pit. Get lair and some infestors. On your 3rd expo, you dont really need to saturate it. Just get the extractors up and going, and if you want, transfer some drones from your main. When lair's done, get ultra's cavern and research adrenaline glands asap. You should have ups 2/2 by now. I found myself following this build with slight variations the last matches I played against diamond toss players with much success. In the middle you can mix up some mutas, to give them the wrong idea on what we are aiming for, and them take them by surprise with the ultras. The main problem ultra ling have is the place on where you fight. For this reason, you should have your creep spread out all over the place and wait for THEM to push out, get a nice surround and destroy their units, then counter attack and win. I'll post some replays when Im home. This is not as easy as I wrote it, since in the meantime you get attacked more than once, and if you dont prepare accordingly, you will get destroyed. Post your feedback below
About the "distracting" mutas, don't they scout with observers? If you wait for them to attack, they rarely do that without knowing what they are up against?
There are several counters to scouting. One overseer and a queen on each base should do it actually. If you dont clump all of your tech buildings togheter, and build some on each expo, they should not be able to see them all whatsoever. In late game you'll have pretty much every tech building available. Combine that with proper larva inyection, you have a different army in a second. You can easily go from Muta to mass Ultralings in just about 45 seconds.
Haha, that's so strange. Every game I played against toss last either 8 mins (bbust + 26ish lings) or around half an hour.