Macro/amp/hotkeys help ! !

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by veljanov, Aug 26, 2010.

Macro/amp/hotkeys help ! !

  1. veljanov

    veljanov New Member

    Aug 26, 2010
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    Hi, i currently play alot 1v1 as random in gold league and im on a halt here, i constantly hop bewtween placement 25-05ish. i consider my self quite good or atleast ok with my micro skills and basic tactics and strategies. allthough i feel my main problem is i got so slow amp, couse i either focus on microing or macroing.

    i know like all the hotkeys for for most of the units and structures with all 3 races so thats still not the problem.

    so what i whould like some help with is that i wonder how you do your fast binds, like can you doubble click some hotkey to instantly hop the minimap to lets say if ure about to engage in battle in the next 10 sec, and u want to go back to base extreamly fast and build some marines or zerglings or something, and u also wanna build somehting there so you need ure mouse at the base not just have the barracks signed to ctrl+1. press some soilders in que.

    im sorry my english aint the best and im bad at explaining what i want. just whould like some general hotkey tips. and tips how you can swap from base and back to the middle of the field fast.

    Couse i think thats the reson im on a halt.


    Ps. hope you atleast got a glinch of what im trying to reach !
  2. Amduscias

    Amduscias New Member

    May 13, 2010
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    Cologne, Germany
    Where are you from?

    Mainly i play protoss, so lets get it going from this point of view:

    I hotkey my Nexus(es) to group 4. Easy to reach without moving my left hand. I constantly switch over to check if i produce probes. My first warpgate gets to group 5, switching over to see if i produce units. My scouting probe gets to group 1 in the early game. Later it gets reassigned to my first units. Once i have 3 Warpgates and warp-tech ready, i build a robo assigned to 5 instead of the gates (since i don't need to assign my warpgates - hotkey "w").

    When attacking, i start off sending my units to my enemy with shift+a and click on the minimap in front of his base so they gather there (stalkers are way to fast over long distances, zeals got behind - no meatshield -> stalkers may get raped, im dead). meanwhile i keep producing units and structures. Once i reach my enemys base i swap over (minimap) and concentrate on the battle. i regularly switch over to produce a few units and send them over as support in waves. once the battle finishes i get my macro up again. not perfect. Remember that you can leave your attacking units alone for a second or two!
  3. veljanov

    veljanov New Member

    Aug 26, 2010
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    im from russia/sweden currently living in bulgaria =),

    what you said will help alot, i knew i could make groups but never got a good flow between battle n base, allthough i wonder couse u said something that never worked for me,why did you assigned warpgate with a group if it was possible to just use the hotkey W, couse ive only managed to use structure hotkeys when i use a probe/drone/scv to build something. do you have to have several in this case warpgates for the hotkey "W" to work ? or something, else i cant see the point in assigning it to a group? or am i doning something wrong ?


    ps. thanks for a great answer!
  4. domanz

    domanz New Member

    Jul 14, 2010
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    If you hotkey your production buildings, you don't even have to leave the battle. Just tap the hotkey and produce the units while observing the battle.
  5. veljanov

    veljanov New Member

    Aug 26, 2010
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    yes, but is there for instance if ure protoss and and the hotkey for wargate is W, then is it possible to press W and then get ure wargate(s) targeted with out assigning the warpgate(s) to a group like key 4 ?
  6. Toomnymods

    Toomnymods New Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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    I was wondering this also how do u hotkey production buildings so I don't Have to keep going back to my base the hard way.. it really slows me down a lot while attacking
  7. Amduscias

    Amduscias New Member

    May 13, 2010
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    In general, you can assign buildings the same way as you assign units to groups - select the production building, i.g. a nexus, and push strg+4 (like i do).

    The Warpgates are something special in protoss case. As long as they are normal Gateways i assign them to group 5 (first 3 groups for units). As soon as i tech to warpgates and changed them to warpgates i can simply use "w" as hotkey, therefor i use group 5 for my robos instead.

    "The warp gate does not have the ability to queue units regularly, but can be quickly transformed back into a gateway. All warp gates can be selected by pushing the "W" key. " [Source]

    At least this works with the EN-Client, didn't work with the (beta-)DE-Client (german).

    My general Group-List:
    1 -> Zeals
    2 -> Stalkers, Sentrys, Immortal
    3 -> Collosi or Air Units, depends on what im using. If both i'd go for Air Units on 3, Collossi added to group 2
    4 -> All my Nexuses
    5 -> Gateways in the beginning, later on Robo
    6 -> Pending on tech. Stargates, Forge etc.
    7-9 -> mostly unassigned, unless i have more than one observer that needs movement. 2nd observer assigned to 9, third to 8, fourth to 7
    0 -> first observer
  8. Toomnymods

    Toomnymods New Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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    What is strg-4 ??? Do u mean alt or ctrl?
  9. Amduscias

    Amduscias New Member

    May 13, 2010
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    Cologne, Germany
    sry....german keyboard. mean ctrl
  10. veljanov

    veljanov New Member

    Aug 26, 2010
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    thanks for answers !, allthough when i assign units to groups, i always have units with cinds of spells in there own group example.

    1. the full army that i go to attack with. if we take protoss now as example this group includes all units i have, zealots,stalkers,immortals etc.

    2. if i have blink on stalkers i usaly have stalkers on 2, so if i use group one to go to one place, i can fast switch to group 2.(stalkers) if im in need usage of blink, and after they have done there job with the blinking i can easly press 1, and make whole army move further the my main destination.

    3. i could have high templars i have them or sentries.

    4. etc

    5 etc.

    depending how many units i have in my arsenal that can use additinal "spells"

    allthough after reading this i will apply my (in this case if i play protoss) nexus(es) with a group and robotic bay with a group and so on, so i can with ease continue production of units, while im in the field fighting,

    so thanks for all the tips now i can hopefully get a better flow between micro and macro ! and increase my APM
  11. cHowziLLa

    cHowziLLa New Member

    Jun 2, 2010
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    Amp? Do u mean apm? Actions per minute
  12. veljanov

    veljanov New Member

    Aug 26, 2010
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    nope i mean amp, action minute per =P, na was a miss type did mean apm