Anyone running starcraft 2 on a macbook with a gma 950? When I launch it, the screen flickers with artifacts sorta, I can only hear the music and move the SC2 curser around. I know the 950 is unsupported, but I heard of a few getting SC2 to work. I think the problem is with the latest version of snow leopard since that's what I'm using. if its working or not working on your 950, post what version of snow leopard your on. thanks.
Any Intel graphics config on a PC wouldn't' cut it for StarCraft II, so that makes it doublely true for Mac's. Sorry. :/
Not true. Core i3-530 with Intel HD works very smoothly on 1280x720 low. The GMA 950, unfortunately, seems to be too slow for SC2. Sure, it will work. It will just be too slow for actual gaming.
The new Intel HD integrateds graphics chip might be sufficiient for low graphics mode, but any chip below this (e.g. your Intel GMA 950) is just to slow.