O rofl.. i was like blown away you pulled that off when i was thinking of it. So you admitt to doing the dirty deed to get back in.... shame on you shame!
rofl cakes, I seen a picture of Ducky.... She is how you say... Not what people think she is. However, she is ConFed's finest example of a GOOD leader. She takes care of her members. Unlike her counterpart. Either way, i will stay away from scrutinizing or even opinionizing ConFed's leadership capabilities. I will just leave it at, people go into confed, leave confed within 1 day. Or my favorite "I am loyal to confed, Syxx is the best leader, I will never leave" Next day they are in another clan or double clanning.
Yea but.. that happens in any clan. You always get "E 4 Lyfe" then gone in a month. Or clan hoppers who think they are slick and double tag. Either way.. i dont hate on confed.. i might make fun time to time but they still rep an op channel which i have more respect for and they seem to be active.
I always respected ConFed, just never liked there leader. I kept them tagbanned until i was convinced by someone that you shouldnt blame a whole clan for someones stupidity.
that is true just the bad ones wont say names onley shadow nowes who i am talking about.:mask: oh ya nise sig shado
Yeah I used to be in ConFed. SyXx once banned me for two days because i kept kicking his ass at this one ums game.
syxx is a as*munch of a leader he geves you power over somting to handel but dont let you work on it the whay you wold like to see fit oh ya and syxx is :wacko: