I was top gold league, and now I dropped down to place 10 or sthg. Yesterday I lost 7 out of 12 games, today 4/4. No matter which race I play against, I win only against newbies who got matched against me, but usually I play against gold and platinum players with much more games under their belt and they annihilate me. I attached two replays, one against a terran who just walls and pushes out with marines and teched siege tanks, and one against toss, harassing me with these stupid phoenixes. I guess there are no critical errors and I just need to take the beating to learn of it and get even more familiar with the game play. But for today, my motivation to do so is quite damn gone. Thanks for any advice.
It's spelt "lose" and "losing". Can't comment further then that since I'm at work and can't watch the replays xD
I played 2nd beta sc2, never played a rts seriously before. Got placed in bronze and worked up to silver. At release, I got placed in silver, moved up into gold and reached #2 some days ago. Since then, 50/50 wins/losses as before, but even back then I got matched against veterans quite often who played much more than me. My placement might be wrong since I didn't play too often and got these bonus points, they might be a curse after all. But I don't wanna say anything before somebody watched the replay, maybe I'm just noobish after all, or maybe I just don't know about something important.
look up videos on youtube that's the best way to learn you can start here this is where I learned the most http://www.youtube.com/user/ForceSC2strategy
I've been watching replays all the time already, my own as well as many shoutcasts from huskysc and hd starcraft and day9, featuring idra, tlo and whatnot. It's rather some practical advice and training I need. EDIT: Since I was feeling quite helpless when playing these two losing games, I'll upload a game I won today, my only and first one, against an equally skilled toss, where I am playing tom the full capacity of my skills, I am no less good, and no better. So, this is what I can do when I am not in agony.
For your first game (the one against protoss), the major mistake you made was getting more tier 1 tech buildings (roach warren, baneling nest) instead of getting lair and a hydralisk den. As a rule, when I play ZvP I always assume the protoss is going air, and I deal with that by using my second 100 gas on a lair (first 100 gas went to zergling speed) and throwing down a hydralisk den the second that lair is finished. Some minor mistakes, you made a relatively quick 6 zerglings but did no damage with them. With only one zealot against you, you actually could have surrounded and killed it, or just slipped past it into the base to kill some probes and also scout his stargates before they were finished. Also, you built up a ton of minerals and larva that could have been spent on an expansion, more drones, more overlords to replace the ones that died to the phoenixes, etc. When you did spend that money, it was on tons of zerglings, instead of the drones, overlords, and hydralisks you desperately needed. For your second game, several things went wrong. You got your second gas way too early, and didn't use it for the most part. I almost never get my second gas before starting lair. You also built what seemed like every tech building possible, including the roach warren that didn't produce a single roach. That roach warren could have been 6 zerglings. Finally, the main problem was that you started getting more drones quite a bit late. If you had gotten about 6 drones more early on, instead of getting second gas and a roach warren, they would have more than paid for themselves by the time that terran attack arrived, and you would have had more than enough zerglings to fend it off.
from what i can see you macro game is bad. that is to say in the protoss game you had an unused base and you mineral lines where not full, in the second game it was similar story, you left a extractor empty if you did not need it dont get it. you also didnt get upgrades enough nor did you have enough units or varied enough units in the protoss game, though you did many things right i think the core game play of macro isnt there practice making drones and ctrl grouping your hatches and pressing #sd to make a drone, and keep making them as well as keep injecting larva.
Many thanks for your replies! Yes, my biggest weakness is that I still forget my macro once I'm thrown off balance or engaged in intense battle. About the extractors, I sometimes build a second one in order to have enough supply to build my queen before the next ov pops out, but one can argue this is just necessary because I have no proper BO. I will try to multitask more and remind myself of these errors.
In the second game when you knew his push was coming and that you couldn't defend straight away you could have retreated to your main immediately losing your expansion but u would have had some lings left over to clean up his tank and you probably would have lived. In that situation you needed to delay the encounter as long as you could so your extra units could have spawned. You also had excess minerals which if were units would have easily held him offAlso when you scouted him after harassing his worker probably should have scouted his gas.
I'm not sure in gold league if people follow exact build orders so I only look if gas is used at all, not really how much. But yeah, I gotta draw conclusions from gas use quite soon, or learn to do so. Still, with my micro skills I know no good counter vs. tanks. Mutas sometimes work.
burrowed roaches work well vs tanks i always get them. (but im not a great zerg player) also zerg are hard to play like seriously so much stuff to do. how i love the cleaness of protoss
i completely agree with you on that one!!! im a zerg player aswell but i have no problems against terran.... its more protoss that bothers me D: