Hey guys, recently made my way up to gold 1v1 and I'd like to get some practice in before destroying my 50% win rating. I'm a protoss player, and i usually play 8pm-midnight (est) on the weekdays and on the weekends. So if anyone needs a practice partner let me know char name is Ledlie char code is 233.
you can add me however....im a high bronze low silverish . i beat my toss husband who is gold half the time though!
Well.. If you tried to teach her how to play SC..you'd understand. Me: Build a supply depot. Her: What? Me: Build a supply depot. Her: How? Me: -_- Click the freaking SCV, then click the build Icon, then click the supply depot. Her: The SCV is...this thing right? Me: Yes.. Her: What do you want me to do again? Me: ...Build a supply depot. Her: How? Me: Holy ****! Press B then S then click up here at the entrance of your base! Her: Nothing happened. Me: What? Me: Do you have the SCV selected? Her: Uh... No. Hold on. Her: *Builds supply depot not at the entrance.* Me: Really...? Wow. Me: How many minerals do you have? Her: The blue things? Me: Yes. Her: 1236 UnLocKeD has left the game.
When it comes to games I'm very impatient, it's only in real life that I am. lol Taught her how to drive and she's a real pain in the *** to teach. -.-